When you ask people to describe their view of short-term missions some will answer that they a waste of time and resources, are just an excuse for culturally insensitive ill-informed “tourists” to see the world. For many others, though the responses are only positive. They view them as life-changing experiences, and opportunities to serve God Read More »
Missions trip fundraising is a complicated undertaking, even for small groups, and even if you’re just planning the simplest of trips. The fact is, there are still travel expenses to arrange, and daily living costs to think about. Plus, the list of missionaries doesn’t always stay constant – some people may have to drop out Read More »
Mission trip fundraisers can be some of the most important fundraisings that your church does. Mission trips are essential to helping the world and spreading the message of God, and with a group of enthusiastic missionaries on your side, you’ve already got a good head start into having a successful fundraiser. But there’s more to Read More »
When you are planning a mission trip fundraiser, there is no greater theme for what you are doing than "Journey of Faith." This applies to the mission trip, of course, but also to the fundraising that comes before it, as you are putting your trust in God that all will go well for the trip preparations and that the mission trip will have all its financial needs covered.
Churches are more than just a place to pray – they’re springboards for spreading the word. Mission trips are one way that churches and other Christian organizations can help others and be examples for His glory, but the desire to go on a mission trip is not always enough to make it happen. Some churches Read More »