If you’re on a fundraising team for the American Cancer Society, it doesn’t matter if you are doing this for the first time or the hundredth time, you’ll still need to have a look through a lot of ideas for fundraising for the American Cancer Society so that you can choose one that will work well for your particular fundraising team. You want to have the best possible fundraising idea for the ACS that will be both fun and make a lot of money for the cause, so it makes sense to figure out how to find a great fundraising idea.
As it turns out, there isn’t a particular “right” way to come up with good fundraising ideas for the ACS, because there are many fundraising activities that can work well. The way you have to look at things is by thinking about your fundraising team, and your monetary goals. Understanding your team and what you’re aiming for will help you find the fundraising activity for the American Cancer Society that will work best for you.
The size of your fundraising team has a lot to do with which fundraising ideas you should consider first. If you’ve got quite a small group, you should probably be looking at fundraising products with low or no minimums, and high-profit returns. Many direct sale fundraisers have free shipping, and for fundraising ideas like pizza fundraising cards, you can make profits of up to 90%. These can be fantastic fundraising ideas for if your team is not very big. If you do have a larger group, however, you may as well go for something like pretzels, which is a top-selling item and only really works well as an American Cancer Society fundraising idea for fundraising teams that have a lot of people.
You Have Options with a Cancer Fundraiser
If you are at the beginning stages of organizing a cancer fundraiser, you will have to make a series of decisions on how to go about things. One of the most important decisions is choosing whether to go with pre-sales or direct sales for a cancer fundraiser. A lot depends on the nature of your group, the size of it, and the monetary goals you have in mind, but rest assured that whether you want pre-sales or direct sales, there is a fundraising idea out there for you no matter what you are trying to accomplish.
Pre-sales can work well for a large fundraising team, or groups that don’t have a lot of cash to invest upfront. There is no monetary investment required from you with a pre-sale fundraiser – you only have to call up and order it, and then wait for your brochures and order forms to arrive. Then you just conduct a fundraiser as normal, get your orders and your money, and then you gather it all up and send in the amount needed to pay for the products. Sometimes a cancer fundraiser that works on pre-selling will have higher minimum order requirements, and that’s what makes those particular ones better for large groups, as they have more selling power and aren’t so worried about achieving numbers.
Going with direct sales for a cancer fundraiser means you have to pay for the products at the time you order them, and then we ship them to you to sell directly. A direct sale can include fundraising candy bars, scratch card fundraisers, or discount cards. These work really well for small groups because the profits are high, and of course, there is the benefit that once you have made your initial investment in a cancer fundraiser based on direct sales, all the money you make from it afterward is yours to donate to the cause. This can work really well if you have the funds available to invest in a cancer fundraiser, and are sure that you will get a good return on your investment.
The Best Way to Host Cancer Fundraising Events
If you are looking for ways to maximize a cancer fundraising effort, you must have already figured out that cancer fundraising events are certainly a great way to do that. If you are the one organizing the event, you’re probably concentrating on the ticket price of the cancer fundraiser, which is fine, but what about the peripheral opportunities for fundraising? You can optimize cancer fundraising events by adding in several other fundraising activities as supplements for the main attraction and create cancer fundraising events that are as packed full of fundraising opportunities as possible.
Here’s something to think about – your ticket holders are wandering around the venue for the cancer fundraising event, and what are they doing while they are wandering around? Why not give them something interesting to do while they walk around or mingle? Fundraising booths are perfect for this purpose, and can really broaden the scope of cancer fundraising events. You already know you have a venue full of supporters, so why not make the most of it? Set your fundraising booths up with smaller fundraising activities, and watch the profits of your cancer fundraising events soar.
What kinds of booths should you have at cancer fundraising events? There is no correct answer to this, and there aren’t any strict rules. Direct sale fundraisers work pretty well at cancer fundraising events because they are easy to implement. Anyone passing by can pick up a fundraising candy bar, try a scratch card fundraiser, or buy a fundraising lollipop, and then there’s nothing left over from the transaction but profit. No order forms, no delivery issues, just profits coming in to maximize cancer fundraising events
If you are currently in the process of organizing some cancer fundraising events, it makes perfect sense to take advantage of all the fundraising opportunities available to you. Have a look through our cancer fundraising pages, and decide exactly which products and activities would work well for your cancer fundraising events.