Easy Fundraising Ideas wants to help with your fundraiser. We believe we can provide the best fundraiser for your group. To make your decision as easy as possible we have listed our top 15 fundraising ideas below. This page represents the most popular and unique fundraisers we offer. From no upfront cost programs to products you can purchase and run with, you have options galore. You can also look at our Fundraising Program or Fundraising Products page for simple ways to search for the fundraiser that fits your needs. If you need general guidance and ideas, we have a library of articles designed to assist in choosing your fundraising path. If you have any additional questions, please call us Toll-Free at 1-866-874-8383
Fundraiser #1 – Cookie Dough Fundraiser
Cookie Dough Fundraisers are one of the best fundraising ideas around. People simply love fresh baked cookies and are happy to purchase this great tasting through a fundraiser. We offer both premium pre-portion cookie dough fundraisers and gourmet cookie dough tub fundraisers. We also so offer baking mixes for folks that like a more hands-on approach, with delicious results guaranteed. Click here for information on Cookie Dough Fundraisers.
Fundraiser #2 – Candle Fundraiser
Candle fundraisers have been popular for years. There are many options available with varying levels of profit. Easy Fundraising Ideas is proud to represent Heritage Candles, premium quality, highly fragrant candles proudly made in the USA. With prices from $10 to $16our candle fundraisers, and 50% profit, there are options for every fundraising initiative. From church, sports team, to schools, we have candle fundraisers for groups of any size, with no minimums. We also offer fundraising wax melts that appeal to your customers who prefer wax warmers to candles. Candle fundraisers require no cost to start and you can qualify for free shipping. Click here for information on all of our candle fundraisers
Fundraiser #3 – Healthy Fundraiser
Are you looking for a healthy snack fundraiser? We have options ranging from Trail Mix to Welch’s Fruit Snacks, Welch’s Fruit Rolls, and Beef Jerky. The need for healthy options has become increasingly important. We offer both healthful food fundraising options as well as nonfood options like coffee and tea, flower bulbs, and candle fundraisers. We provide all the materials you need for your fundraiser and offer free shipping on minimum orders. Click here for more information on our Healthy Fundraiser options.
Fundraiser #4 – Coffee Fundraiser 
Chances are there is at least one coffee or tea drinker in every American household. That is one of the reasons that coffee makes a can’t miss fundraiser. The flavor selection is terrific. The product is fantastic. There is no cost to start this coffee fundraiser. Click here for more information on a Coffee Fundraiser.
Fundraiser #5 – Faith-Based Fundraiser
Are you looking for a faith-based fundraiser for your organization? We have the perfect solution. Our Journey of Faith candle fundraiser has produced amazing results for youth groups, churches, and faith-based schools. All the candles have scripturally themed lable. They are priced competitively and proudly made in the USA with premium quality ingredients. There is no cost to start this candle fundraiser. Click here for more information on a Journey of Faith Candle Fundraiser.
Fundraiser #6 – Making Cash Donations Easy and Fun
Have you considered a Scratch Card fundraiser? Scratch card fundraisers make collecting donations from supporters a lot easier and more fun. Each member of your group gets a scratch card with 50 concealed dots. They ask folks to scratch off 2 of 50 dots and donate the revealed amount of money. In return, the donor is given a free thank you gift. Click here for more information on a Scratch Card Fundraiser.
Fundraiser #7 – The Best Candy Fundraiser
Candy Fundraisers fundraising staples that consistently earn amazing profits for all types of groups. Hershey’s Chocolate and Worlds Finest Chocolate continue to be popular options. We have gathered several options with the best candy fundraising profit and excellent quality. Click here for information on our Candy Fundraisers.
Fundraiser #8 – Popular Lollipop Fundraiser
Lollipop fundraisers are always a high-profit fundraising idea. We have a fun assortment of different 1 oz confection lollipops that sell for only $.50 each. For that price, most people will buy more than one. You can purchase as little as one case at a time and shipping is free. This is an effective fundraiser for any type or size group. There is an amazing variety of lollipop fundraisers: Yummy Lix, Color Xploders, Sour Mania, and Hot Pops as well as numerous specialty lollipops for all occasions. Football, Stars, Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s Heart and Lips Lollipops Click here for information on Lollipop fundraisers.
Fundraiser #9 – Easy to Earn Nationwide
Would it help your fundraising if you could sell a product to people anywhere in the United States? Then check out our Dinner and a Movie Card fundraiser. Your supporters are offered discounts up to 50% at more than 100,000 different restaurants, theatres, retail stores, and service providers for an entire year. Click here for more information on Dinner and a Movie Card Fundraiser.
Fundraiser #10 – Green Fundraising Ideas 
Are you looking for an Earth-friendly fundraising idea? Flowers and bulbs fundraisers are offered both spring and fall. We recently introduced a Bag Garden fundraiser for late spring, summer, and early fall. These green fundraising ideas have been exceeding expectations. They cost nothing to start and there is no minimum order requirement, so it is a great fundraiser for both large and small groups alike. Click here for more information on a Flower Bulb Fundraiser.
Fundraiser #11 – Specialty Popcorn 
A classic fundraising product, popcorn fundraisers, are still pop-ular! Our popcorn is not only a tasty treat, but ours are also high quality. Each bag of popcorn sells for $10, which is the magic number for fundraising. Selling bags of popcorn fills up buckets of money for your team or group. We offer 2 different popcorn fundraiser options Gourmet Popcorn and Specialty Popcorn. Click here for more information on Popcorn Fundraisers.
Fundraiser #12 – The Ultimate Candy Fundraiser
Have you sold candy in the past but have now learned that you cannot sell chocolate or nuts because of new rules? You might consider the ultimate candy fundraiser, Main Street Sweet Shop. It has become a great alternative to a chocolate candy bar fundraiser. The products are inexpensive, and there is no minimum order. Selling price per item is $2.00 and includes; Original Sour Jacks, Buddy Bears Gummi Bears. Nuclear Sqworms, and Sour Jacks Watermelon. Click here for more information on our ultimate candy fundraiser.
Fundraiser #13 – Holiday Fundraiser
Holiday Fundraisers often have wonderful results. Our new Holiday Candle Fundraiser offers festive candles at an amazing $10 price point. These high-quality, made in the USA, premium candles are a fantastic value and have helped hundreds of groups meet their fundraising goals. Click here for more information on our favorite Holiday Fundraiser.
Fundraiser #14 – Cookies, Pretzels, Cinnamon Rolls Fundraiser
If you’ve considered a cookie dough fundraiser but don’t want to handle a frozen product we suggest you consider our alternative baking options. Delisheries and Better Baking fundraisers include the most popular cookie, cinnamon roll, and pretzel products is a dry mix. The mixes require no refrigeration. With no minimum and no shipping costs, this fundraising idea is a tasty choice. Click here for more information on Delisheries and Better Baking.
Fundraiser #15 – Chocolate and Cookie Fundraiser
What is more fun than a fortune cookie? Our Fortune Cookie Fundraiser consists of 4 awesome chocolate covered flavors containing an amazing inspirational message inside. We also are proud to offer the Original One Dollar Bar. Our chocolate is the largest $1 fundraising candy bar available. You can purchase as little as one case at a time and shipping is free. Click here for more information on Fortune Cookie or Original One Dollar Candy Fundraiser.