The History of Competitive Cheerleading

It is the estimation of this author that it is truly impossible to separate the initiation of competitive cheerleading from the origination of cheerleading in and of itself. The birth of cheering was centered on a competitive event and therefore cheering itself was competitive from the beginning.

There can be no doubt that the first time that two different squads were on the field supporting their respective teams at the same event, that competition was on. With the advent of World War II and the changing of cheering from a male-dominated activity to a female-dominated activity, the level of competition increased geometrically. Why? If one thinks about the situation for college females at that time there were truly limited opportunities for them to compete in athletics, so cheering became a venue in which they could truly compete against one another in a setting which included athletic skills (tumbling and gymnastics).

Cheerleading Gets Competitive

Cheering at around this same time became a big business and there is nothing more competitive than the world of business. Lawrence Herkimer from Dallas, Texas held the first cheer clinics in 1946 and 1947 at Southern Methodist University. The following year in 1948 the first cheer camp was held at Sam Houston College in Huntsville, Texas. The first camp had only 53 campers but by 1950 there were over 350 campers in attendance.

Cheerleading scratch card

Cheerleading scratch cards are an obvious choice for a cheerleading fundraiser. With their natural outgoing personalities, cheerleaders are champs at encouraging others to go for the win! Meaning they can easily cheer people on to donate money to their team. Each cheerleading scratch card raises $100 and shipping is free.

What You Should Know

Here is an example of the coupon page you give to the people as a “Thank You” for participating. You can create a custom coupon handout with your town’s unique businesses.

As you can see from the profit chart below the lowest profit percentage you will make from using scratch cards for fundraisers is 85%. There are, however, price breaks that can increase your profit percentage. The more cards you purchase the higher your profit potential for each card. The profits and profit percentages shown are based on successfully having all 50 dots scratched off on your scratch card:

Profit and Cost


  • In-hand products
  • Free shipping
  • Start in under a minute
Cards Bought Cost Per Card Each Card Raises Your Profit $ Your Profit %
100 $5.00 $100.00 $9,500 95%
25 $7.00 $100.00 $2,325 93%
10 $10.00 $100.00 $900 90%
1 min. $15.00 $100.00 $85 85%
mrs fields cookie dough fundraiser

We are excited to introduce our NEW Mrs Fields Cookie Dough Fundraiser!  Your group will earn 50% profit selling Mrs Fields Cookie Dough.

Mrs Fields Cookies have long been one of the most beloved cookie brands in the world.  Known for its delicious, fresh-baked cookies and commitment to quality ingredients a Mrs Fields Cookie Dough Fundraiser is sure to delight your supporters and raise the much needed funds to exceed your fundraising goals.

We have chosen 6 of the most popular flavors of Mrs Fields Cookie Dough; Semi Sweet Chocolate Chip, White Chocolate Macadamia Nut, Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup, Carmel Apple Crunch, Snickerdoodle, and Cinnamon Oatmeal Raisin delivered frozen in perfectly portioned cookies.  Your supporters will love the Mrs Fields Cookie Dough Fundraiser easy break and bake.  No need for thawing, simply place the cookies directly from the freezer into the oven and in 15 minutes your freshly baked cookies are ready!

Your Mrs Fields Cookie Dough Fundraiser is easy to start with no upfront cost.  Simply complete our easy sign up form.  We will send your free brochures and Mrs Fields Cookie Dough Fundraiser order form.  We suggest a two week selling period.  Once your Mrs Fields Cookie Dough Fundraiser sale is complete, tally your orders using our easy online order entry form or you can call us with your bulk order.

Your group will earn 50% profit on every box you sell for your Mrs Fields Cookie Dough Fundraiser!

What You Should Know

There is no money needed upfront for this cookie dough fundraiser.  Your group earns 50%!  We provide free brochures, order forms and cash collection envelops. You pay us after you sell your Mrs Fields Cookie Dough when you place your order. The money you’ve collected can pay for your order.

When you place your order, Easy Fundraising Ideas will calculate the cost of your order based on the number of tubs sold less any freight charges incurred for orders under 400 boxes.  Once the freight cost is covered, the rest is your profit to keep!

Profit and Cost

  • No Upfront Cost
  • Free brochures for your participants
  • Free shipping (for orders over 400 items)
  • Start in under a minute
Items Bought % Profit Free Shipping
401 plus 50% YES
1 to 400 50% No
candle fundraiser success

A Earth Candle* fundraiser by Heritage Candles is a great way to raise money and be kind to our planet. Your group will offer a terrific selection of candles in the most popular scents. There is upfront cost and you make 50% profit on every Earth candle you sell. You can even qualify for free shipping. We provide free brochures for each member of your group and all the materials you need to have a successful Earth candle fundraiser.

What You Should Know

Candle fundraising is different than other fundraising programs. Easy Fundraising Ideas gives you 50% profit on each and every candle you sell. The only additional charge you may incur is a $65 shipping fee if your group sells less than 150 candles.

Each candle sells for  $20 each.

Profit and Cost

  • No upfront cost
  • Free brochures for your participants
  • Free shipping (orders of 150 items or more)
  • Start in under a minute
Items Bought % Profit Free Shipping
150 plus 50% YES
1 to 149 50% No
Magic Melts Wickless Candle

We’d like to introduce the newest addition to our candle fundraisers. Magic Melts are highly scented wickless wax bars that you melt in candle warmers. They revolutionized the wickless candle industry and made scented wax bars as popular as candles themselves. Now you can capitalize on that popularity.

What You Should Know

Magic Melt wickless candle fundraising is different than other fundraising programs. Easy Fundraising Ideas gives you 50% profit on each and every scented wax bar you sell. The only additional charge you may incur is a $65 shipping fee if your group sells less than 150 Magic Melts.

Each melt sells for only $6 each.

Profit and Cost

  • No upfront cost
  • Free brochures for your participants
  • Free shipping (orders of 150 items or more)
  • Start in under a minute
Items Bought % Profit Free Shipping
150 plus 50% YES
1 to 149 50% No
School Fundraiser

School Fundraising Made Easy

If you feel that selecting the best school fundraising idea is a daunting task, don’t worry! Since it seems the gap between school budgets and funding required for extracurricular programs is getting larger every year, the need for profitable school fundraisers is growing.

Sports Fundaising Ideas

Sports Fundraising Ideas That Win

Sports fundraising goes hand-in-hand with playing sports. Whether you are a basketball, football, soccer, or cheerleading organization, we have fundraisers that will score big money for your team.

Church Fundraisers

Church Fundraisers Move the Spirit

Top Church Fundraisers by Group

Non-profit fundraisers

Non-Profit Fundraising for Charity

Top Non-Profit Fundraising Ideas by Group

More Interesting Reading:

7 Steps to a Successful Candle Fundraiser

candle fundraiser success

So you have decided to sell candles for your fundraiser? Although candles are a popular and highly profitable product as well as easy to sell, it is important to develop a plan for your candle fundraiser in order to experience maximum success.

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Cheerleading becomes more and more popular every year as a sport, but unfortunately, the cost of running a cheerleading squad also goes higher and higher every year.

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Yes, that time is coming around again – your cheerleader’s fundraiser is nearly here. If you are already experienced with cheerleaders fundraisers and have done this before, you likely learned a lot from previous years, and this time you’re determined to spice things up a bit.

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Economic times are tough right now, and cheerleaders are in just as tight a situation as any other school activity or club. If you have a cheerleader in your family, you’ve probably already been introduced to the world of cheerleader fundraising, because it is quite an expensive sport.

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Is your squad tired of doing the same fundraiser over and over, each year? Well there is a new cheerleading fundraiser available that will help you raise lots of money for new uniforms, travel fees, and any other type of expense you might face.

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You’re probably already well aware that cheerleading fundraisers are a fact of life for most squads. Cheerleading is not the world’s most inexpensive sport by a long shot. Someone has to pay for those uniforms and travel expenses.

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Join the thousands of boys and girls, men and women who want to learn cheerleading. Cheerleading is not as easy as it looks. Learning to be a cheerleader takes a lot of hard work, hours of practice, and dedication by the cheerleader and also their family and friends.

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Cheerleading stretches and a complete warm-up period are key to preventing tight muscles, strains, and even more serious injury.

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The competitive world of cheerleading continues to get more and more demanding. The days of the simple stunts and chants are long gone.

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A cheerleading camp can play a major role in the highly competitive world of cheerleading. Teams from around the nation compete every year for national championships. With cheerleading camps being so important, a future camper needs to know what to expect.

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What Our Customers Say:

Flower Bulb Fundraising

We received everything as promised! Thank you so much for your excellent customer service! ...

Author: Troop 6619 BSA

Gourmet Cookie Dough Tub Fundraiser

I wanted to follow up and say how easy and efficient this fundraiser was. We definitely will be using this in the future. Tha...

Author: Carolina Crusaders

Earth Candle Fundraiser

You guys must be naturally kind. I enjoyed working with you and look forward to many other fundraisers with your organizatio...

Author: Bermuda Institute

Flower Bulb Fundraising

I look forward to doing this fundraiser again next year. It was a big hit. You have been so great to work with. I won't be ...

Author: SFHS Girls Soccer Team