Chocolate and Candy

Are Candy Fundraisers Profitable?
Many people are baffled when it comes to deciding whether candy fundraisers are profitable or not. It seems folks find it difficult to figure out what candy fundraising earnings are, and how to calculate them. Here are a few basic bits of information to help you figure this out. Fundraising candies generally come in cases. Read More »

Candy Bar Fundraiser Opportunities
If you ever wondered if there are really candy bar fundraiser opportunities, consider this: Candy sales, by some estimates, accounts for nearly one-third of all product fundraising sales. That means a good old fashion candy fundraiser may be just what you need. Candy is a Direct Sale Fundraiser Candy fundraisers are most often done as a direct sale. Read More »

Candy Bars Fundraising
More and more nationally known candy companies have decided they can no longer make money in the candy bars fundraising arena. That is the main reason that overall candy fundraising sales are substantially down. About two years ago the most popular candy fundraiser available was a variety pack from M&M-Mars. It used to include Peanut M&M’s, Plain M&M’s, Snickers and Skittles. Read More »

Candy Fundraising is a Great Way to Raise Money
Candy fundraising is incredibly popular with sports groups, schools, and church groups for a good reason. Fundraising candy is very easy to sell. Candy fundraisers are great, but remember that it sells for a relatively low price. That means you need to do your homework to choose the best candy fundraising ideas to ensure you make the most money possible.

Candy Fundraising is Changing
Candy fundraising is changing fast. Even though the $1.00 candy bar has gone away for Hershey and Mars companies, there still are $1.00 candy options. The original one dollar bar is a wonderful fundraising bar and you can still sell them for $1.00. You can also buy them in straight packs with these great flavors, Read More »

Candy is a Good Booster Club Fundraising Idea
If you are looking for a booster club fundraising idea, you should consider selling candy. Here’s why: Product fundraising is about a two and a half billion dollar industry. Depending on which estimates you rely on, candy fundraising makes up about one third or $800,000,000 each and every year. You have to admit it is hard to argue Read More »

Candy Sales for School Fundraising – No Cost Upfront
Candy bar sales for school fundraising, no cost upfront, sounds like a fundraising dream come true. Finally, a way for schools to fund raise successfully with no risk of lost profits due to unsold products. We apologize for bursting your bubble; that, our friends, is a fantasy.

Candy, The Backbones of Fundraising
Fundraising candy has been one of the backbones of fundraising for years and years. In fact, an estimated one out of every five dollars spent on fundraising products is spent on fundraising candy bars. Fundraising Candy Sales vs. The Vending Machines The profitable and easy-to-sell fundraising candy bar made good sense to many fundraising groups. And it was a Read More »

Dollar Candy Bars for Fundraisers
Are you wanting to sell dollar candy bars for fundraisers? You’d better hurry. The rumors circulating throughout the candy bar fundraising industry is that the last of the national manufacturers will soon exit the one-dollar candy bar market. But that does not mean there will not be any dollar candy bars for fundraisers. In the future, you Read More »

Fundraiser Chocolate Bars
Are you frustrated with Fundraiser Chocolate Bars? Do you feel like candy fundraising has seen its better day now that many of the options require a $2 retail price? Don’t be frustrated. There are still some terrific fundraiser chocolate bars available and some of them still sell for $1. One candy fundraiser that has grown in Read More »

Fundraising Candy Sales
One of the most popular types of fundraisers are candy sales. Candy fundraisers are direct sales which mean they should be be quick and easy. Each person selling for you gets a case or a few carriers of of candy bars to sell. Depending on your group size you could make 50% of the total sales or more Read More »

How Much Fundraising Candy Should I Order?
How much fundraising candy should I order? That’s a question we hear quite often. In fact, sometimes we hear it after the fundraising group has already received their candy. At that point, the question is mute since you can not return candy after you receive it. But we will address the reasons why food products generally and candy Read More »

How Much Would You Pay for A Fundraising Candy Bar?
How much would you pay for a fundraising candy bar? That’s a question that has not been often asked, but it is going to be more important as the next fundraising season or two passes. That’s because of the big discussion in candy fundraising. How do the manufacturers make money selling a candy bar for a Read More »

Is Candy for Fundraising Still Popular?
There is no question that the options available for a candy fundraiser are much different than they used to be. But, yes, candy for fundraising is still very popular. And it is still popular for the same reasons as it has always been. A candy fundraiser is a direct sale. That means that the seller has the product in their Read More »

Original One Dollar Fundraising Candy Bars
If you are a smaller group that wants to hold a candy fundraiser you should consider fundraising specific candy lines such as the Original One Dollar Bar brand. There are a couple of problems with some of the national brands when it comes to smaller groups and candy fundraising. The first problem is the cost and therefore the profit percentage available Read More »

School Fundraiser Candy Sales
School fundraiser candy sales are one of the oldest and most effective ways for schools to make money. In fact, it is one of the most popular school fundraising ideas out there. School fundraiser candy sales require the least amount of administration of all our fundraising programs. Unlike pre-sell brochure fundraisers, such as a cookie Read More »

Sell Candy?
Should I sell fundraising candy or should I sell something else? That’s one of the most common questions we hear. The questioner usually provides their own answer when we follow up with a simple question of our own. We ask what kind of fundraising group they are part of and whether it is part of a public school. If Read More »

Why Candy Fundraising Is Getting More Difficult
Once upon a time, you used to see kids both young and old walking around with handled carriers of fundraising candy. But you don’t see that very much anymore. Have you wondered why? It is not the popularity of candy or the ability to sell it. In fact, we had the 5th grade in an Read More »

Why Hershey Fundraisers?
There are plenty of great candy and snack-based fundraisers out there, but if you’re going to narrow it down to one brand, in particular, there’s a lot to be said for choosing Hershey fundraisers. For one thing, Hershey is a brand that people know and recognize, and therefore you don’t have to do a lot Read More »

Worlds Finest Candy Bar Fundraiser Alternatives
Have you held a chocolate bar fundraiser in the past? Did you know that other fundraising candy bars offer more terrific goodies? The Worlds Finest Candy Bar fundraisers have been around for years. Although Easy Fundraising Ideas is not a distributor for that specific product, we offer the Original One Dollar Bar as an alternative.