To sleep or not to sleep, to eat or not to eat, to attend cheerleading camp or not? To play video games or not to play video games and the list could go on and on! These are a few questions that nearly every student asks themselves throughout the summer. The lazy days of summer are just that, lazy days. Don’t you want your child to be productive this summer? Don’t you want your child to stay active, make new friends, learn leadership skills, and create new memories? If you answered yes to these questions, here is a great solution: cheerleading camps.
Why You Should Consider Cheer Camps
You are probably thinking, “there is no way my child will go to a cheerleading camp!” However, there are so many different kinds of cheerleading camps, that you are sure to find just the one to fit your child perfectly.
Beginner cheerleaders and young campers who have limited or no experience cheerleading: there are tons of camps for you. These beginner cheerleading camps can be as short as a day or as long as a month. It is a cheerleading camp, but it’s much more than that. There are so many other activities besides cheerleading that they may not even realize they are at a cheerleading camp. It is wonderful what these campers take away from cheerleading camps: new cheers and routines, new skills they have perfected, new friends, and a new level of confidence. It gives them a sense of accomplishment and the desire to come back next year to learn more.
Advanced and competitive cheerleaders: there are camps all over the world that will help your cheerleader reach the next level. UCA cheer camps, NCA cheerleading camps, or other cheerleading camps geared for cheerleaders who will soon enter the collegiate level are the kinds of cheerleading camps that advanced cheerleaders should look for. These cheerleaders will take home new and perfected cheer skills and also practical skills they can use for their lifetime.
Free Cheerleading Uniforms
With the high price of cheerleading uniforms making entry into the sport restrictive for some families we were surprised that we could not find a company or service that provided the means for cheerleaders to pass down uniforms that no longer fit so the less fortunate could get essentially free cheerleading uniforms.
Cheerleading Uniforms Are Very Expensive
The price point of cheering may not at first glance seem substantial. But when you start looking at the prices, it is in fact very expensive.
For example, a good pair of Women’s Asics Gel-Cheer LE will cost $59 or more. And these are certainly not top of the line shoes. Yes, there are price point shoes that might sell below $30, but even that can be prohibitive, especially in the years when children outgrow their shoes more than once a year.
Certainly, there are many cheerleaders who outgrow their shoes before there is even any noticeable wear and tear, the shoes will more likely find their way into a garage sale rather than be made available to someone who dreams of becoming a cheerleader but can not afford the equipment.
Texas Cheerleading Christian Camps
The state of Texas finds itself smack in the middle of the Bible belt, that predominately Christian swath of land that stretches across the waist of the United States. The state also finds itself host to one of the biggest football playing populations in the country. Continuing down this chain, where you find football you typically find cheerleaders to cheer them to victory.
Cheerleading camps have become a staple for most cheerleaders and have sprouted up around the country, and the state. But what do you do when you want your cheerleader to have a strong Christian influence while they are away at camp. A number of camps have been established to fulfill just this need.
Cheerleading Camps With a Christian Perspective
Some camps have been set up with a foundation of Christianity that covers a wide range of activities including cheerleading, basketball, snorkeling, drama, and more. Camp Buckner in Burnett, TX is a camp of this type. They have one week and two-week sessions throughout the summer months.
Another camp, which has a much more specific focus, Cross Cheer, is located in Dallas, TX. The camp is purely a cheer camp and does not offer other activities. This is the kind of camp that you send your cheerleader to if she is serious about cheering. But you also want her to be serious about God and Jesus Christ. Every camp is begun with a prayer. Cross Cheer is a day camp and offers birthday party packages year-round.
Summer Cheerleading Camps
There are two main types of summer cheerleading camps. The first type is day camp, where attendees participate in a program during the day, but return home in the afternoon or evening. The other type is “sleep away” or overnight camp. Either of these camps can last from a single day up to one week or more.
Choosing the Summer Cheerleading Camps That Fits Your Child
Choosing from the many summer cheer camps that are available depends greatly on the cheerleaders who are planning to attend. For example, a child who has never been away from home may be reluctant to attend a camp that lasts more than one week. Find out if the camp you are considering offers a “trial” stay, allowing the child to visit for a day or two before making a final decision. Since most camp fees are non-refundable, you don’t want to pay for a two-week stay if the child is ready to return home in two days.
Summer camps can be a form of vacation, a learning experience, or a bit of both. Some of the greatest benefits summer cheerleading camps offer is the chance for children to make new friends, learn new skills or improve their existing skills, and remain busy and active throughout the summer months.
Summer Cheer Camp Questions
1) What is the counselor-to-camper ratio? A lower instructor to camper rating is preferable. You know that your child is receiving more individual attention.
2) What are the ages of the counselors? Sometimes the younger instructors are more enthusiastic, but they may not be adequately trained to prevent accidents. Also, the younger instructors may not be able to command the respect of the campers who maybe just a couple of years younger than they are. You also do not want counselors that are so old that they can not maintain the level of enthusiasm and energy needed to instruct cheerleader camp.
3) What are the desired attributes of a cheerleading camp staff? The same qualities that you would seek in anyone whom you might leave your child with are also the same valued attributes to seek of camp counselor and instructors. Trustworthiness and dependability would be at the top of the list. Also, the ability to adapt to a variety of situations, empathy, patience, and the desire to work with cheerleaders. A strong self-image and an outgoing personality are also important characteristics for camp staff.
4) What is the percentage of counselors who are returning from last year? Most camps have from 40-60 percent returning staff. If the rate is lower than this, find out why.
5) How are behavioral and disciplinary problems handled? This is where the director’s philosophy comes out loud and clear. Positive reinforcement, assertive role modeling, and a sense of fair play are generally regarded as key components of camp counseling and leadership. Rules are necessary for any organization and the disciplinary approach is taken should be reasonable and well communicated. If penalties are involved for violations, they should be applied quickly, fairly, calmly, and without criticizing the campers.
6) What about references? This is generally one of the best ways to check a camp’s reputation and service record. Directors should be happy to provide references. Good summer cheerleading camps have good references.