If you are trying to get some extra money together to help your organization keep its head above water, this couldn’t be a more appropriate time for a fundraiser. Fundraising ideas for organizations needing a little boost are everywhere, but knowing which sorts of fundraisers will work well for your group can be tricky. There’s a bit of planning you have to do in advance to get your ducks in a row before you start looking at fundraising ideas, but none of it is rocket science, and even if you’ve never led a fundraising effort before, with a little pre-planning you can get the job done more successfully than you ever imagined. The first step in coming up with fundraising ideas for organizations is figuring out exactly what you need. This may sound obvious, but so many times when organizations are short on money, people panic and they just think that they want to make as much money as possible. Rest assured that if you set out without a clear goal, you are unlikely to do very well, as you don’t know what you’re aiming for. So sit down and do the math, figure out exactly how much it is you expect to make minimum, and then count up the number of people in your fundraising team to figure out what each person needs to be responsible for. This will give everyone a clear goal. Fundraising ideas for organizations range from large-scale fundraisers like events and carnivals to more modest undertakings like direct sale fundraisers. A lot depends on how much you need, and of course, fundraisers can be combined to maximize your profits. Some of the best fundraising ideas for organizations are the ones where several ideas come together into one – check out our pages of direct sale and pre-sale fundraisers to get some inspiration.
Fundraising Ideas for Organizations Needing Extra Help

Music Scratch Cards Beat Budgets! Show Profit

We have designed music scratch card fundraisers to be effective for all groups involved with music. The graphics on our fundraising cards work well for choirs, bands, singers, and individual musicians.
What You Should Know
Here is an example of the coupon page you can give to the people as a “Thank You” for participating. You can create a custom coupon handout with your town’s unique businesses.
As you can see from the profit chart below the lowest profit percentage you will make from using scratch cards for fundraisers is 85%. There are, however, price breaks that can increase your profit percentage. The more cards you purchase the higher your profit potential for each card. The profits and profit percentages shown are based on successfully having all 50 dots scratched off on your scratch card.
Profit and Cost
- In-hand products
- Free shipping
- Start in under a minute
Cards Bought | Cost Per Card | Each Card Raises | Your Profit $ | Your Profit % |
100 | $5.00 | $100.00 | $9,500 | 95% |
25 | $7.00 | $100.00 | $2,325 | 93% |
10 | $10.00 | $100.00 | $900 | 90% |
1 min. | $15.00 | $100.00 | $85 | 85% |
Snackin in the USA Fundraiser Show Profit

The Snackin in the USA fundraiser gives you 20 mouth-watering treats to choose from. All products are made from premium quality nuts and candies. It costs absolutely nothing to get started. Simply let us know how many participants you have and we’ll send 1 order-taker for each of them, at no charge.
What You Should Know
Profit and Cost
- No upfront cost
- Free brochures for your participants
- Free shipping (orders of 150 items or more)
- Start in under a minute
Items Bought | % Profit | Free Shipping |
150 plus | 50% | YES |
1 to 149 | 50% | No |
Christmas Lollipops Show Profit

You will increase your lollipop sales during the holiday season with these great Christmas Lollipops. They are packaged in cases of 640 fundraising lollipops. Inside the case are 8 packages with each package containing 80 lollipops. You will make 50% profit selling just one case. And shipping is free
What You Should Know
Christmas Lollipops and all of our lollipop fundraisers offer the same profit regardless of the number of cases that you purchase. You will sell the lollipops for two times the cost of the lollipops. In other words, you will double your investment no matter how many cases you purchase. Here is a quick profit chart for you to review:
Profit and Cost
- In-Hand Products
- Free Shipping
- Start in under a minute
Cases Bought | Cost Per Case | Profit % |
1 min | $320.00 | 50% |
Journey of Faith Candle Fundraiser Show Profit

Our Journey of Faith candle fundraiser is the perfect church fundraising idea for spiritual or faith-based groups looking to raise money with a high quality product. One of our most popular candle fundraisers, Journey of Faith, is easy to sell. Each candle in the line has a different decorative label that highlighting a Bible verse. Church fundraisers report excellent results within their congregations and throughout their community. With the spiritual theme and appealing price point, the Journey of Faith candle fundraiser is a perfect fundraising idea for church youth groups and faith-based schools. You will receive free Journey of Faith candle fundraiser brochures to presell, so there is no upfront payment required.
What You Should Know
Candle fundraising is different than other fundraising programs. Easy Fundraising Ideas gives you a 50% profit on every candle you sell. The only additional charge you may incur is a $65 shipping fee if your group sells less than 150 candles.
Each candle sells for only $20 each.
- No upfront cost
- Free brochures for your participants
- Free shipping (orders of 150 items or more)
- Start in under a minute
Items Bought | % Profit | Free Shipping |
150 plus | 50% | YES |
1 to 149 | 50% | No |
Dinner and Movie Card Show Profit

More convenient than the mega-deal volumes of the past, Dinner and Movie cards satisfy two common needs. First, the desire to have a fun night out. Second, the card gives a feeling of having something to look forward to for an entire year! Welcome at thousands of retailers across the country, this fundraiser offers something for everyone to enjoy.
What You Should Know
You pay only $4 per card and sell them for $10. That equates to 60% profit or $6 profit for each card you sell. There is a 75 card minimum. Shipping is FREE.
Profit and Cost
- In-hand products
- Free shipping
- Start in under a minute
Cards Bought | Cost Per Card | Profit % |
75 min | $4.00 | 60% |