What You Need to Know about Band Fundraisers

As a student looks ahead at the new band season, there are a few things that he or she knows are inevitable: we MUST practice hard, we MUST practice at often, and we MUST do a fundraiser. It practically goes without saying! Band fundraising is a MUST and hopefully not a bust.

If you’re brand new at fundraising there are certain things that need to be considered. First, you must pick the right band fundraiser. Maybe you and the other band members are in the market for something new. Perhaps you have a fundraiser that is tried and true, and you have been instructed to stick to the routine. Whatever the case may be, there are a few questions that must be taken into consideration.

While going over your fundraising options, ask the following questions of each program:

–What type of profit are we making?

–What is required of us? Is there a minimum order; a shipping fee?

–How many people will be participating?

–What materials will I need? How do I get them?

–What is our goal amount?

–When do we intend to do this fundraiser?

Once you’ve chosen something suitable for your group, then the next step is getting materials together. In most cases, you will be contacting a fundraising consultant. As you set up a fundraiser with them, make sure you have the following information:

–When do we start?

–What day will everyone turn in their orders?

–When do we turn in our final order?

–How long is the shipping process? When can I expect my products to be delivered?

–What types of payment methods are available?

If you are well informed, band fundraisers are not difficult to execute. After your questions are answered there is nothing left to do except the actual fundraiser. Let everyone know what is expected of them; what they need to do to contribute to the group. Remind them of important dates at any opportunity. Then relax because your fundraiser is going to be a success and next year – Having you in charge will also be a MUST.

Main Street Sweet Shoppe Candy Fundraising

The Main Street Sweet Shop has reinvigorated candy fundraising. It has exciting new products, and people love the 1 case minimum. This fundraiser comes with free shipping and has high-profit percentages.  Plus, gummy bears and sour gummies keep people ordering more!

What You Should Know

You will receive 2 carriers per case. There are 40 bags of each fantastic flavor!

  • Original Sour Jacks
  • Nuclear Sqworms
  • Sour Jacks Watermelon

Profit and Cost

  • In-hand products
  • Free shipping
  • Start in under a minute
Cases Bought Cost Per Case Profit %
1 min $120.00 50%
Pretzel Rods Fundraiser

This chocolate covered pretzel rods fundraiser is definitely worth its weight in flavor! Crisp pretzel rods are dipped in milk chocolate then rolled in delicious select toppings including crushed candy-coated chocolates, toffee, and rainbow sprinkles. The mixture of salty pretzel, sweet chocolate, and tasty toppings is sure to satisfy all cravings!

What You Should Know

You sell each Chocolate Covered Pretzel Rod for $1.00. You can make up to 50% profit depending on how many cases you purchase. Remember shipping is FREE. See the profit chart for more details.

Profit and Cost

  • In-hand products
  • Free shipping
  • Start in under a minute
Cases Bought % Profit Cost Per Case
49 or more 60% $119.00
25 -49 55% $132.00
10 – 24 53% $136.80
1 – 9 50% $144.00
Elementary school scratch cards

Virtually every student will be part of an elementary school fundraiser before reaching the 6th grade.  If you need a simple, high-profit fundraiser, take a look at our Elementary School scratch card fundraisers. Each participant can raise $100 using just one card.

What You Should Know

Here is an example of the coupon page you give to the people as a “Thank You” for participating. You can create a custom coupon handout with your town’s unique businesses.

As you can see from the profit chart below the lowest profit percentage you will make from using scratch cards for fundraisers is 85%. There are, however, price breaks that can increase your profit percentage. The more cards you purchase the higher your profit potential for each card. The profits and profit percentages shown are based on successfully having all 50 dots scratched off on your scratch card:

Profit and Cost


  • In-hand products
  • Free shipping
  • Start in under a minute
Cards Bought Cost Per Card Each Card Raises Your Profit $ Your Profit %
100 $5.00 $100.00 $9,500 95%
25 $7.00 $100.00 $2,325 93%
10 $10.00 $100.00 $900 90%
1 min. $15.00 $100.00 $85 85%
Chocolatiers Candy Bar Fundraiser

Want to go with a tried and true fundraising product? Then go with a Chocolatiers Candy Bar Fundraiser! You can earn profits as high as 60%. There is a small one case minimum and shipping is always FREE. These candy bars are manufactured in a peanut-free facility and guaranteed to be peanut-free.

What You Should Know

Candy fundraising profits are determined based on the number of cases of candy that you sell. The more cases you purchase the lower your cost per case. Take a look at the profit chart for more details:

Profit and Cost

  • In-hand products
  • Free shipping
  • Start in under a minute
Cases Bought Cost Per Case Profit %
1 min $120.00 50%

We have Flower Bulb programs specifically for spring and another for fall so you can hold a flower fundraiser any time of year. Flower fundraisers are practical and ecologically sensitive. We offer a great selection of bulbs, a high-profit potential, free brochures and order forms and the ability to qualify for free shipping.

What You Should Know

Fundraising Flower Bulbs are like candle fundraisers. Your profit percentage is not affected by the number of orders you take. You get 50% profit or half the selling price for every item you sell. That means smaller groups make the same profits for selling flowers as larger groups.

If you sell less than 150 fundraising flower bulbs, though, there is a $65 shipping fee which will affect your total profit. Orders of 150 or more flower bulb orders will qualify for free shipping.

Profit and Cost

  • No upfront cost
  • Free brochures for your participants
  • Free shipping (orders of 150 items or more)
  • Start in under a minute
Items Bought % Profit Free Shipping
150 plus 50% YES
1 to 149 50% No
School Fundraiser

School Fundraising Made Easy

If you feel that selecting the best school fundraising idea is a daunting task, don’t worry! Since it seems the gap between school budgets and funding required for extracurricular programs is getting larger every year, the need for profitable school fundraisers is growing.

Sports Fundaising Ideas

Sports Fundraising Ideas That Win

Sports fundraising goes hand-in-hand with playing sports. Whether you are a basketball, football, soccer, or cheerleading organization, we have fundraisers that will score big money for your team.

Church Fundraisers

Church Fundraisers Move the Spirit

Top Church Fundraisers by Group

Non-profit fundraisers

Non-Profit Fundraising for Charity

Top Non-Profit Fundraising Ideas by Group

More Interesting Reading:

Battle of the Bands Fundraiser

Battle of the Bands Fundraiser

One of the most exciting money-making ideas is a Battle of the Bands Fundraiser. Live music is a huge draw for most people, giving you a broad audience, which translates to money for your cause. Once you have a venue and date, the most important part of a Battle of the Bands fundraiser is – Read More »

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If this is the first time you are in charge of fundraising then you should learn the ABC’s of fundraising ideas. So consider this article ABC Fundraising Ideas 101:
A. The first thing to do before even beginning the process is to determine if your group members are motivated to do a fundraiser in the first place.

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Band fundraising is all about raising money for a purpose in a hassle-free manner. For example, if you love kids and are fond of music too, then you can go in for band fundraising to generate money for worthy causes that involve children. Fundraising ideas can be successful only if you go about it in Read More »

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Choir fundraising and choral group fundraising does not mean you need to find a music-themed fundraiser. If your choir group, choral group or singing group needs money for travel, sheet music, equipment, uniforms or teaching expenses, there are plenty of choir fundraising ideas available to you. Choirs Need High Profits Most choirs would like to Read More »

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candle fundraiser success

So you have decided to sell candles for your fundraiser? Although candles are a popular and highly profitable product as well as easy to sell, it is important to develop a plan for your candle fundraiser in order to experience maximum success.

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Marching bands vary greatly from school to school. Some bands are of modest size, whereas others are absolutely huge. Either way, if your band runs into financial issues and the school is not in a position to help you to the extent you need, you’ll have to do something to help yourselves.

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The school band has had a special role in a child’s school experience. Extracurricular activities are where kids learn a lot about their social skills, confidence, and self-esteem, and the band also gives them a chance to have fun and play music in the process. The band is important to the players and to the Read More »

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If you are right in the middle of planning the band’s fundraiser at your school, you’re probably here because you’re to the point where you are trying to figure out which band fundraiser you should be doing. How on earth do you choose the band fundraiser that is right for your group? There really isn’t Read More »

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Choosing the right marching band fundraisers can be difficult. There is the size of the band to think about, how much you can expect them to stay organized, and how well you think they’ll cope with things like taking orders and collecting money. You also want to consider your target market, your supporters, and what sorts of Read More »

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Marching band is one of those things that has been around forever. And for as long as it has been there, so has the annual marching band fundraiser. These two things really go hand in hand, and that’s why it makes perfect sense to many longstanding marching bands to do a more classic, traditional marching band Read More »

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What Our Customers Say:

Flower Bulb Fundraising

We received everything as promised! Thank you so much for your excellent customer service! ...

Author: Troop 6619 BSA

Gourmet Cookie Dough Tub Fundraiser

I wanted to follow up and say how easy and efficient this fundraiser was. We definitely will be using this in the future. Tha...

Author: Carolina Crusaders

Earth Candle Fundraiser

You guys must be naturally kind. I enjoyed working with you and look forward to many other fundraisers with your organizatio...

Author: Bermuda Institute

Flower Bulb Fundraising

I look forward to doing this fundraiser again next year. It was a big hit. You have been so great to work with. I won't be ...

Author: SFHS Girls Soccer Team