Running a soccer fundraiser is getting harder each day. Fewer people are willing to support soccer teams financially because of economical hardships that they face at home. The key is getting them to realize that without their financial support on the hard days, the better days will never come for your soccer team.
But all is not lost. Hidden beneath all of the receipts and bills there is still the desire to help. Despite how hard it may be people still understand that the economy is a rollercoaster, what is hard one day, may not be so bad the next. More than that, they understand the value of being on a team and being united for one cause. As you begin your soccer fundraising efforts this season, consider writing a newsletter to all those who will potentially support you, explaining your position.
Start your letter off with a list of highlights from the last season. Help them remember how fun it is to cheer from the stands and to watch the players give all they have to the game. Mention next, a list of objectives you hope to accomplish in the coming season. Let them know your team goals; give them a sense of involvement as they become accountability partners in your efforts.
Next, write to them about what it will take both through encouragement, dedication, and finances, to accomplish those goals. Give them a rundown of all that needs to be paid for uniforms, equipment, travel expenses, tournament fees. Finally, give them an option. Instead of asking for a straight donation, let them know they have the option of helping through fundraising when they purchase cookie dough, or candles, or coffee from the player of their choice.
To wrap everything up, remind them how grateful you are not just for their help with the soccer fundraiser, but for their moral support. Let them know that you understand what a sacrifice it has been and that it is not overlooked, and thank them for being a part of your team.
Easy Soccer Fundraisers Articles
Fundraising for soccer teams can encompass an entire season or you can hold one large soccer fundraiser that hopefully raises enough money for all things the team needs for the season.
Different teams choose different paths. The good news is that Easy Fundraising Ideas has great ideas for either option.
Before choosing the right product, you should answer these questions about your fundraising goals:
- Does your league want something simple that takes little planning or organization?
- Does your team want to raise funds only when specific needs arise?
- How much money does your soccer association really need?
In this article, we will identify a few soccer fundraising programs that will work no matter how you answered the above questions.
Soccer Fund Raiser: Soccer Lollipops
The first soccer fundraising idea is great for groups that do not need to make a lot of money and don’t mind allowing the program to run throughout the season. Consider selling soccer lollipops at practices and games.
These great lollipops sell for only $1.00 each. They are shaped like little soccer balls and are favorites with soccer fans. Because of the low price, many people will buy more than one at a time. The lollipops come in an assortment of flavors. You buy them in master cases of 576 lollipops. Your cost is only $0.50 each so you are doubling your money. The good news about soccer lollipops is that there is only a one case minimum, so you do not have to overbuy and shipping is FREE.
Sports lollipops are available in most major sports too!
Soccer Fund Raiser: Soccer Scratch Off Cards
The second soccer fundraising idea is perfect for leagues and teams that need to raise a lot of money quickly and do not have a lot of money to pay for fundraising products.
Each soccer scratch card raises $100. Typically, you give each player on of the fundraising cards. The cards come with 50 concealed dots. Players get supporters to scratch off two of the dots and ask for a donation equal to the revealed amount. Donations would range from $1 to $6. In return for the donation to the soccer team, the player could give them a sheet of valuable local coupons as a thank you gift.
The great thing about scratch cards is that there is no delivery after the sale. There is no real useful shelve life, although you do need to watch for the expiration dates on the coupon sheet. They are easy to carry. In fact, most soccer players bring carry bags to practice and games with them and the scratch cards can be conveniently kept with their soccer equipment to remind them why they are raising money.