Whether you are playing for a league or a school team, bowling is full of costs, every time you think you have it under control, there’s something else to buy. The cost of equipment and fees gets higher and higher every year, and yet the budget somehow never seems to rise to meet it.
If you have been put in charge of finding a way out of your team’s financial troubles, a bowling fundraiser is a great place to start. But if you don’t have any experience with fundraising, the idea can be a little intimidating, especially if you feel like everyone is counting on you to get it right.
A bowling fundraiser is not rocket science, but that doesn’t mean you can just come into it unprepared, either. Before you even start thinking about fundraising ideas, the best thing you can do is sit down and figure out exactly how much money you need, and what it will go for. You don’t want to have to run another fundraiser right after the first one, so planning out your goals down to the last dollar can help you focus on an accurate amount for your bowling fundraising campaign.
Once you know what you need to do, the next step is to start doing it! We have plenty of great bowling fundraiser activities for leagues, school teams, and even individual bowlers. Whatever your goals or resources, we will be able to match you up with a great fundraising idea that you will love, and that will help you get those profits as high as possible.
Whether you like the idea of candy fundraising or discount cards, cookie dough fundraisers or pizza cards, your fundraising consultant will set you up with just the right bowling fundraiser to make your goals a reality sooner than you could have ever thought possible.
Excellent Bowling Fundraiser Ideas
If you are trying to offset costs for your bowling team, a fundraiser is definitely one of the best ways to bring in that extra cash and get things paid for. But a fundraiser does take some effort and organization, and of course, you’ll need some great bowling fundraiser ideas to help you get started.
Luckily, we can help you out in that department, as we have some of the best bowling fundraising ideas out there, and we can tell you exactly how these ideas can work for you and your team.
Basically you’ll want to choose a fundraiser that appeals to your bowlers, but more importantly, you’ll need one that appeals to your bowling supporters, the people who will be helping you out by spending their money on your fundraiser. You can make pretty much any fundraiser work depending on what you want to do, but there are certain bowling fundraising ideas that really work well for a small team effort, or even for an individual bowler.
Scratch card fundraisers are a great way to have a fundraiser that will be easy and fun for everyone. Scratch cards couldn’t be simpler in their concept, and once you pay for your cards and receive your delivery, the rest is up to you, and all the profit goes directly to your team.
Getting your supporters to scratch off two of the fifty dots on the card is fun, people love doing it, and often they’ll feel so generous that they’ll go ahead and round up whatever the suggested donation amount is, which can make these kinds of bowling fundraiser ideas even more profitable for you.
We have other bowling fundraiser ideas available, so have a look through your options, and choose a fundraiser that you think will work best for your team. As long as everyone is having fun and enjoys the fundraiser, you’re bound to be able to have financial success with it.
Bowling Tournament Fundraiser
For non-profit organizations, hosting an event where a lot of money is raised in a single day is a great way to bring awareness to the cause and get some much-needed financial support. Sports events are a fantastic idea to get a lot of people involved in something fun and exciting, and if you organize it the right way, something like a bowling tournament fundraiser can really be a great help for your cause.
The first thing you’ll need for your bowling fundraiser is a venue. Shop around for alleys that will give you a good deal – many will give you significant discounts on however many lanes you need if you agree to host your tournament at times when the alley is normally slow (usually weekdays during the day).
Corporate sponsorship is a great way to start offsetting costs and bringing in profit for your bowling tournament fundraiser. Offer local businesses advertising space, logo placement on tournament banners, and newspaper advertisement, in exchange for set donation amounts. This is a great way to get larger chunks of money all at once and can create quite a buzz around your event.
Advertising your bowling tournament fundraiser is a must, as the more well attended it is, the more money you will make. When people arrive, they have plenty of opportunities for them to donate – snacks, drinks, and raffle tickets are all great ideas. If you can get a local bowling retailer to donate some raffle items, that will help maximize profits even more.
Lastly, get the players involved with personal sponsorship. Ask each bowler to aim for $100 each in personal sponsorship. Many will get competitive and try to out-do each other, which is great both for player morale and for your organization. The more you can get people fired up about this bowling tournament fundraiser, the better it will be for everyone.
Making the Most of Bowling Fundraisers
If you are involved with bowling either in school or in a local league, obviously by now you’ve realized the costs that surround the sport.
Pretty much everything in bowling costs money, and fees keep rising every year, not to mention the costs of uniforms shoes and other equipment.
Bowling fundraisers are a great way to help offset some or even all of these costs, and if you can get started on the right foot, you can soon be on your way to the best fundraising experience you’ve ever had.
Bowling is one of those sports that people don’t always associate with fundraising, and that can be your biggest obstacle. Raising awareness is fun, though, and can help translate your team’s energy into profits. You probably have someone on your team who is really outspoken, can really get out there and motivate people.
You probably also have someone who is responsible and good with numbers. Roles are important in fundraising teams, and if you want to have the best success possible with bowling fundraising ideas, putting every person in a role that suits their talents and abilities is the smartest move you could possibly make.
So get that outgoing person out there, speaking on your behalf, and you will find that the energy is contagious – not just for you as members of the fundraising team, but more importantly for your supporters, who need to understand just how important their generosity is for you. Bowling fundraisers can be a lot of work, sure, but they’re also a lot of fun, and you can really build up a lot of team spirit while bringing in the bucks.
If you need some great fundraising ideas to help you get started, have a look through our pages of bowling fundraisers, and if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact your fundraising consultant for advice.