If this is your first time organizing school football fundraisers, you may find it quite a challenging experience. There’s more to school football fundraisers than just going out there and selling things, and football fundraisers can often be complex, especially if you are trying to organize a large group of people for a major effort. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you get organized early, and you’ll want to begin by setting a solid foundation to build on. Once you get everything planned out, the actual running of school football fundraisers will be a breeze.
The first thing you need to do for school football fundraisers is to make sure you know what your targets are. That may sound obvious, but do you know exactly, down to the dollar, how much money the team needs, and for what? Start writing numbers on paper, get some concrete amounts set so that you know exactly what your school football fundraiser is aiming for. Once you have a dollar amount, you can figure out how much each person needs to be responsible for, depending on how big your sales team is.
The next issue is to look at some school football fundraising ideas that will help your team reach its goals. As you look through our school football fundraiser pages, keep in mind the size of your group, and things like whether or not you are able to make an upfront investment. Some teams may be able to do catalog school football fundraisers like cookie dough fundraising or our green fundraiser, while other groups may be better suited to something like scratch cards or chocolate bars.
Whatever you choose for your school football fundraiser, the important thing is that you know what your goals are and have a well-organized plan to get there. The school football fundraisers that are the most successful are the ones where the hard work is done in advance and there is a clear plan for what needs to be accomplished by everyone involved.
Traditional Fundraising Ideas for Football
Football is a sport that is steeped in tradition. Any player or fan can tell you that tradition is just as important to the team as what goes on on the field. Many teams have so many traditions that a sort of culture has evolved around them. This is great news if you are new in the business of coming up with fundraising ideas for football. While you may be thinking that you want to try something as new and innovative as possible, that may not always be the best road to take. A lot of people like things they know they can rely on, so there’s a strong argument for using fundraising ideas for football that you repeat year after year, with increasing success each time.
Chocolate bars are one of the most classic fundraising ideas for football, but they’re still just about the most popular. You probably remember the chocolate bar fundraisers from when you were in school and supporting your own team. Why are these kinds of traditional fundraising ideas for football still around? Simply put, because they work. Chocolate never goes out of style, and a lot of people like the idea of having fundraising ideas for football that they can count on year after year. If you already have fundraising ideas for football in place that has been working well so far, don’t feel the need to stir things up just for the sake of it. If you really want to try some new fundraising ideas for football, trying running a second fundraiser in parallel with your regular one, and see how things go.
Schools are all about traditions, and fundraising ideas for football fall into that category for sure. Often people will look forward to your football fundraiser year after year because they know they love it, and they can’t wait for it to come around again. This is something you should definitely take advantage of, so don’t be afraid to stick with a formula that you know works.
Handling the Challenges of High School Football Fundraising (TIPS)
It’s no secret that high school football is one of the most popular sports out there, and it’s also one of the most expensive for students to become involved in. There are all kinds of expenses high school football incurs, from new uniforms to traveling costs, and we all know that with budget cuts being what they are, a lot of high school football programs would be in trouble if it weren’t for the help of high school football fundraising.
This can put a lot of pressure on the people helping to support the high school football team by organizing their high school football fundraising effort. You want to make the most profit you can, but you also want to make it with the least anxiety possible. As we’re always trying to tell the kids, sports are supposed to be fun, and there is no reason that high school football fundraising has to be any different. In fact, the more fun you have with it, the more successful your high school football fundraising is bound to be.
The best thing to do if you’re feeling nervous about the challenges of high school football fundraising is remind yourself that fundraisers work. That may seem obvious, but a lot of people get caught up in worrying about the what-ifs of success and failure when it comes to high school football fundraising. We have a large variety of programs and fundraisers that have a proven track record across a range of groups and activities, and high school football is no exception. High school football fundraising is not a random guessing game where you just go out there unprepared and hope it all turns out okay. Our fundraisers are known for their ability to help high school football teams reach their financial goals, and just like the football team prepares for a game, with our fundraisers you will be able to prepare your fundraising team to go out and
Fundraising for Football: Planning and Organizing
Fundraising for football is not just about the selling process itself, it’s also about all the planning and organizing leading up to that point, and of course any payment and distribution effort that has to be made afterward. The good, solid organization is the key to successful fundraising for football, so if you start now and get your ducks in a row, you’ll be on to the path to success in no time.
The first step is to identify your goals with fundraising for football and figure out exactly what will be required to reach them. This will probably require some light math on your part but don’t panic, because it will all start to make sense fairly quickly. All you need to do is calculate how much money your fundraising for football needs to raise (or perhaps that part has already been done for you by the coach), and then divide that by the number of people on your sales team (the football players themselves, and any other supporting groups that will be helping out).
Once you know exactly what you need to accomplish, you can match your goals up to a fundraiser that will work for your group. Need something that will turn a high profit in a short amount of time? You might want to go with a direct sale fundraiser – something like scratch cards makes for great fundraising for small football groups. If you can meet certain minimum order numbers you can go with something like catalog fundraising.
Then it’s time to get the show started. Fundraising for football is some of the most fun fundraisings, and whatever you choose, make sure the kids have fun with it. All the hard work comes beforehand, so once that’s done, you can just let your plan play itself out and enjoy the returns of fundraising for football.
Football Team Fundraising for Maximum Profit
When the time of year comes around that you want to start thinking about football team fundraising ideas for the current season, the thing you’ll be most worried about is profit levels and how you can best get your team to the goals they have set for themselves. There are many ways to go about football team fundraising, but if you start out by looking at the most appropriate football team fundraising ideas from the start, you can really get your profits high right out of the starting gate.
Discount cards are one great way to get your fundraising efforts going. Pizza cards, in particular, are great football team fundraising items, because of their high-profit margins, and their extreme popularity. Pizza cards sell for $10 each, and that gets your supporters a fantastic 2-for-1 deal on pizza. If you can sell at least 1,000 cards, the profits on this football team fundraising idea soar to 90%, which is incredible in the scope of most football team fundraising ideas.
The Parade of Magazines football fundraiser also one of our top performers. Magazines don’t go out of style, pretty much everyone reads them, and with a choice of 80 top titles available at significant discounts off the cover prices, it’s pretty easy to see the benefits of this football team fundraising idea. The Parade of Magazines works as a pre-sale fundraiser, as well, so the best part is that you don’t have to make an initial investment to start seeing some profits coming in.
Football team fundraising comes in all kinds of shapes and sizes, and if you have a quick look through our football team fundraising pages you’ll start to get an idea of what sorts of things you can consider. If you’re having trouble deciding, simply call your fundraising consultant, who can give you sound advice and get you on the road to successful football team fundraising in no time.