Parochial, Protestant, or Non- Denominational, Christian school fundraising ideas have a common theme. Play and passion.
Parochial, Protestant, or Non- Denominational, Christian school fundraising ideas have a common theme. Play and passion.
There is currently unprecedented growth and enthusiasm for short-term mission trips and programs. The appeal of these trips and their benefits to those going is clear. However, the benefits to those hosting these groups are not always as clear and short-term trips are not without their critics, Some people see short-term trips as counterproductive – Read More »
So you have decided to sell candles for your fundraiser? Although candles are a popular and highly profitable product as well as easy to sell, it is important to develop a plan for your candle fundraiser in order to experience maximum success.
The annual school carnival is a tradition that most schools have had going for years or even decades. The school carnival gives kids a lot of pleasant memories of their school and is one of the year’s most beloved events. But of course, there is the other side of the school carnival: fundraising. The practical Read More »
Churches, just like every other kind of organization, are feeling the economic crunch. This carries right on down through the youth group, who sometimes end up having to make more cuts and sacrifices than anyone else. So when it comes time to organize a fundraiser for youth groups in order to keep things running smoothly, Read More »
If you are looking for a good idea for a school fundraiser, magazines can certainly be a great place to start. There are so many different kinds of school fundraisers out there, but magazines are just one of those things that people really love to buy. Can you remember ever being in a home or Read More »
When it comes to thinking about how your church’s youth group will spend those long hot days of summer parents and leaders often consider summer church camp as an option. Well here’s a guide to help you choose the best summer camp for your kids. Are All Camps Created Equal? When it comes to summer Read More »
You may think that Hershey fundraising is some of the most automatic and easy fundraisings out there, and that’s certainly true. But so many fundraising teams don’t take full advantage of all the ways they can use Hershey fundraising to their advantage, and that results in lower sales and profits than what they could have Read More »
If you are interested in running a chocolate fundraiser for your school, sports team, charity group, or even church youth group, there are a lot of reasons why a Hershey fundraiser is the way to go. People respond to brand name items they recognize and have experience with, and Hershey is just about one of Read More »
So many groups out there are trying too hard to make their fundraising efforts unusual or different in some way. While it’s fun to change things up a little from time to time, in the end, you want to give your supporters the things they want to buy, and many times that means sticking to Read More »
Good middle school fundraising ideas include the following criteria: –Doesn’t require an up-front cost. Middle school students do not usually have tons of money, so finding a fundraising program that is free to start is ideal. –Easy to explain. If you are considering different fundraising programs, choose the one with the easiest explanation. –Selling cookie Read More »
If this is your first time organizing school band fundraisers, you may find it quite a challenging experience. There’s more to school fundraisers than just going out there and selling things, and band fundraisers can often get complicated, especially if you are trying to organize a large group of students. Therefore, it is of utmost Read More »
Like many other educational institutions these days, Christian schools often have to run fundraisers in order to meet some of the budget requirements they have. Books, equipment, and general school maintenance do not come cheaply, and Christian school fundraising is a fantastic way to help boost your school’s income. This is important work, and the Read More »
There’s no getting around it, high school sports are expensive, and usually, this means that they require fundraising. Even the most lightweight sports still have the considerations of equipment and uniforms, not to mention any traveling expenses and entrance fees involved with competing. And the bigger the team, the bigger the expenses, so high school Read More »
If this is the first time you are in charge of fundraising then you should learn the ABC's of fundraising ideas. So consider this article ABC Fundraising Ideas 101: A. The first thing to do before even beginning the process is to determine if your group members are motivated to do a fundraiser in the first place.
Are you in charge of your elementary school newsletters? Are your elementary school newsletters a chore to write and a bore to read? The following are some steps that will help you in preparing your newsletter. You first need to determine the purpose of your newsletter. Newsletters are good tools for: Advertising your Elementary School Read More »
Once you and your team or committee has chosen a terrific fundraising program to do for your elementary PTO fundraiser, make sure you have several ways of getting the word out. Word-of-mouth is great, and certainly efficient, but will not always get the response you need. Take just a few extra steps to make your Read More »
When you are thinking about raising money for your school, it’s likely you will decide to plan a high school fundraiser at some point. High school fundraisers are a great way to make money for your department, especially when you are in need of some extra books or equipment that the school can’t afford. If Read More »
When you are planning a fundraiser for your local school, it is not always possible to splash out on expensive events such as carnivals. After all, isn’t the whole point of a fundraiser to make money, not to spend it? The school probably has enough financial problems in the current economy, so it is very Read More »
Picking the right fundraiser can be a difficult task. There are usually one or two things about a fundraiser program that can work against your group; high minimums, shipping fees, ordering in full case quantities, etc. Christian fundraising can prove to be an even bigger challenge, because of the desire to sell a product worth-while Read More »
When you ask people to describe their view of short-term missions some will answer that they a waste of time and resources, are just an excuse for culturally insensitive ill-informed “tourists” to see the world. For many others, though the responses are only positive. They view them as life-changing experiences, and opportunities to serve God Read More »
School sports are the way that many kids develop skills they cannot get in the classroom. School sports keep kids fit, away from the television and the games console, and teach them things like self-esteem and teamwork. There may come a time, however, when your school sports team faces funding issues that the school cannot Read More »
What is the top priority is for your school’s fundraiser? The obvious answer is: to make money. Extra funds can help supplement budgets and promote extracurricular activities. It’s true, you do want to make as much money as possible with your school’s fundraiser. However, there are more benefits of a school fundraiser than simply raising Read More »
Candy bar sales for school fundraising, no cost upfront, sounds like a fundraising dream come true. Finally, a way for schools to fund raise successfully with no risk of lost profits due to unsold products. We apologize for bursting your bubble; that, our friends, is a fantasy.
The most important tool in fundraising is to choose the right fundraiser. While you and your group look over all of your options there are a few things to keep in mind before deciding which fundraiser will bring the most success. First, make sure that your fundraiser not only complements the experience of the seller, Read More »
There are three main types of fundraisers; DIY, donation-based, or selling products. DIY fundraisers are events like bake sales or shoe drives, where volunteers and supporters supply (baked goods) or collect (shoes) the "products" that are exchanged for money. Donation-based fundraising utilizes an online platform to gather donations. Selling products is where choosing a trusted school fundraising company enters into the process. Consider the three "P"s when choosing a school fundraising company: Profit, Product Selection, and Personal Attention.
Whether your school group is looking to raise funds for uniforms, supplies, travel expenses, or anything else, no doubt you are looking around this site because you need some good fundraisers for the school. You’re certainly not alone – in today’s economic climate, most schools are in the position now that they rely on fundraisers Read More »
As that time of year rolls around that you want to begin considering school fundraising programs, it’s likely that you’re mostly thinking about which school fundraising programs are available for your kind of group, and how you should go about choosing the school fundraising program that’s right for you. There are quite a lot of Read More »
With the current economic conditions and budgets being in a dismal state, schools are turning more and more to the idea of fundraiser activities to help supplement income. If you are in charge of organizing the fundraiser for the school, you might be feeling overwhelmed if you don’t know what sort of fundraiser for school Read More »
When you start the process of choosing the best school fundraiser, the dominant thought is, “This needs to be successful.” Firstly because your group needs the funds; secondly, there is a lot of time and energy put into organizing and executing a fundraiser. The result must be worth everyone’s while.
We’ve all seen it before: the school-wide fundraising effort that involves lots of orders, shuffling of money, dealing with shipping and delivery… and of course the paperwork. Although a complex school fundraiser can work well for certain situations, there are a lot of things for which more simple school fundraisers are more than adequate. Not Read More »
The type of fundraiser you choose should be determined by the size and abilities of your members. Use the following suggestions to help your catholic school find a fundraiser that works: Large Schools of Groups – A fundraising group with lots of members is very lucky. You can choose almost any type of catholic school Read More »
When you’re in the planning and organizing stages of your school fundraiser, there are a lot of things to think about. There’s the size of your group (which you may be worried about if your group is particularly small or large), the amount of money you need to make with your school fundraiser, and the Read More »
At Easy Fundraising Ideas, we feel like a Christian fundraising program should not only help your religious group raise money but should also be glorifying to God. We have a number of Christian fundraising ideas that meet those criteria that we think you will really like. The first Christian fundraiser that we recommend for many church groups Read More »
Churches and faith-based schools often come to us asking for good Christian fundraising ideas. Whether they are looking for mission trip fundraisers, school fundraisers or fundraising ideas for other needs, we always suggest they consider a candle fundraiser. This candle fundraiser offers a wonderful selection of options.
Churches and faith-based schools often come to us asking for good Christian fundraising ideas. Whether they are looking for mission trip fundraisers, school fundraisers, or fundraising ideas for other needs, we always suggest they consider the following products. These are three distinctly different approaches to meeting your needs. We are sure one would be the Read More »
A Christian School Fundraiser helps relieve some of the heavy burden on the parents and the church to help fund all of the school’s activities. Christian Schools provide a fantastic opportunity for parents and students alike. Because they are exclusively private, Christian Schools can offer a more tailored and broad education than their public school Read More »
Getting involved with Christian youth fundraising may seem daunting, but it’s actually one of the most rewarding types of fundraising out there. The youth group is the future of your church, and they’re also likely to be the most energetic and enthusiastic members of your congregation. With these factors on your side, the process of Read More »
Personalized church cookbook fundraising and custom fundraising cookbooks, in general, are a great way for your group to make the money it needs. It is not uncommon for churches, schools, civic organizations, and other large non-profits to report profits of a thousand to ten thousand dollars every time they hold a cookbook fundraiser. So, why Read More »
If you’ve been trying to think of church fundraisers that work, it’s likely that your top concern is how much profit you can make, and how quickly you can make it. There are many roads to the same destination, but if you’re looking for some church fundraising ideas that work, here are some great choices. Read More »
As you start to think about organizing some Christian fundraising ideas for your church’s youth group or choir, or just for helping out the church with some extra cash, it can be difficult to know how to start. So many Christian groups rely on fundraisers these days, and basically that means that you just have Read More »
So it’s your turn to be in charge of the school fundraiser this year, is it? That’s not a problem, we’ve got you covered. You’re probably feeling a bit confused about all the choices available to you, and all you really want is a way to come up with an easy school fundraiser that your Read More »
A cookie dough school fundraiser can and should become an annual event. In fact, we help hundreds of groups that hold cookie dough fundraisers every year that make the money they need year after year. It only makes fundraising sense for a school to sell cookie dough at the same time every year.
These days I would suggest that there is no better way for a school to raise money than to hold a Cookie Dough School Fundraiser. Cookie dough fundraisers make a lot of sense because you are offering a product people expect to purchase from a fundraising group and that can be offered at a competitive price that does not seem to be overpriced.
Here’s a list of top picks for Creative School Fundraising Ideas Arts and Crafts Fair – Have students create masterpieces and auction them off. Put paintings, sculptures, jewelry, or anything handmade by students up for bid. Bonus – It’s easy to host this event virtually! TikTok Dance Challenge – Create a simple dance and get Read More »
If you have been tasked with organizing a school fundraiser, you may be wondering about the best idea that will make your school fundraiser a real success – an idea that will be remembered fondly by all of the current students at your school, and be talked about by faculty members and students for years Read More »
Everyone who gets put in charge of organizing a sports fundraiser goes through a phase where they want to be original, innovative, and doing something that no one else has thought of before. That's fine, there's nothing wrong with breaking new ground, but remember that your chief goal is to raise money for the team, and often the best way to do that is to take a formula that has worked well in the past and to stick with it.
If you have recently been placed in the position of organizing fundraisers for schools, it is very likely that you are wondering what kinds of fundraisers are available for schools, and which of those would be most appropriate for your school in particular. You’ll also need to know what sorts of fundraisers for schools will Read More »
When you are fundraising for Christian schools, there is a lot of things to keep in mind. If you are new to the fundraising game, it may all seem confusing at first, but really fundraising for Christian schools is as simple as following a few guidelines and using some common sense. The first thing to Read More »
The one thing many people fail to do in their fundraising effort is to inform their supporters about their efforts. We have learned that the more people know about you and what you do the more willing they will be to support your organization. Assuming, then, that you have done a good job at developing Read More »
When it comes time to get the annual school fundraiser going, you may be getting excited about organizing some good fundraising ideas for schools, but perhaps you’re short of tips on where to start. To top everything off, you may be getting conflicting opinions from others who have come up with fundraising ideas for schools Read More »
If it’s getting to be that time when you need to start getting the school fundraiser underway, obviously you’re going to need some good ideas for a school fundraiser, but coming up with smart ideas can be the hardest part of the process, and you may not even know where to begin. If you have Read More »
Christian youth fundraisers can be as rewarding as they are profitable. If it is your turn to organize, it’s up to you to figure out just where that profit is going to come from, and how you’re going to go about doing things. If you have never organized a fundraiser before, you may be feeling Read More »
Finding new school fundraising ideas can seem like a full-time job. Everyone wants to come up with something different and exciting. While an original, innovative concept is wonderful, you don’t always have to reinvent the fundraising wheel. There are ways to find fundraising ideas that are new to you and your crew. A little research Read More »
There are a lot of organizational and logistical aspects to school fundraising, but all the organizational skills in the world won’t make a bit of difference without decent school fundraising products. You’re probably searching online for the best places with the widest range of school fundraising products, and you’ve come to the right place, as Read More »
If you need to find some decent Christian fundraisers to help your church or other Christian groups, look no further. We have a variety of products and activities to choose from, and you will be pleased to know that every one of them is appropriate for upholding the standards of your faith. All you have Read More »
One of the crucial issues for several families in the United States is home safety. While many think about different ways to tackle something, others try to apply it to fundraising. Can you consider a fire extinguisher fundraising? The answer for this is a ‘yes’ as well as a ‘no.’ If fire extinguisher fundraising sounds Read More »
When it comes to fundraising, schools pretty much set the standard for how to do things. Especially in these days where the economy is rough, fundraising helps schools fill the gap between what their budget provides, and what the school’s clubs and groups need to survive. In most schools, fundraising is already a way of Read More »
Are you bored with the same fundraising ideas? We have a unique idea for you – a fried turkey fundraiser. Don’t worry if you have not considered this before. Here are some crucial things you need to bear in mind, as well as various ways in which this fundraiser can be offered. First, select the Read More »
There are many different fundraiser ideas for schools. Here are a few tips on how to identify the best school fundraising ideas for your particular school. 1. Determine the number of students that will participate. There are many different fundraiser ideas for schools and the fact of the matter is that some are better suited for Read More »
Fundraising for school can sometimes be the difference-maker in the quality of education children in America receive these days. The fact of the matter is that school districts can simply not afford programs and equipment that not too many years ago had been taken for granted. Fundraising for school and school groups has become a huge Read More »
You just joined the PTA and you need a fundraising idea for schools. School fundraisers are necessary even though many people and parents complain that the local school is always fundraising. But the fact of the matter is that the money raised through school fundraisers goes to pay for things that might not be afforded Read More »
If you are organizing an event for your church or other Christian groups, then you’ll probably be thinking about all the ways in which you can make the most of what you’re doing. Fundraising ideas for Christian events aren’t just limited to ticket prices – in order to maximize your profits and do the most Read More »
If you attend a Christian school and are looking for a fundraising idea, where do you begin? Did you know that of all the possible terms being researched on the major search engines, that Christian fundraising has as many different options as any other type of fundraising? We have listed a few of the many Read More »
Whether you realize it yet or not, fundraising in schools is not really all that difficult. Communities enjoy helping out schools and anything having to do with educating children, and if you take into account the energy and joy the children bring into it themselves, obviously fundraising in schools have a huge potential for success. Read More »
As you probably already are well aware, booster clubs are constantly on the lookout for new and improved ways to raise money for the team or club that they support. Fundraising ideas are a dime a dozen, but when fundraising is your main reason for existing (as is the case with many booster clubs), you Read More »
Organizing private school fundraisers is not as difficult as you think. Sure, you may be stressed out about it at the moment, but that’s just because you haven’t figured out what you’re doing yet, and you don’t know all the ins and outs of private school fundraisers. We’re here to help you out with that, Read More »
We had never heard of that option but a group recently told us about their experience doing just that. One of the student’s mothers worked for an importer. She was the one that presented the idea to the school as a PTO fundraiser. She told the board that she could get them wholesale prices on Read More »
No matter whether your school needs money for equipment, supplies, or to help support its sports teams or clubs, you’ve probably ended up here because you need to come up with some great fundraisers for schools. School fundraisers pretty much set the bar for fundraising in general, because so many schools are in need of Read More »
High school marks a transition in a lot of things for students. They are discovering who they are and more specific interests. Autonomy and personal responsibility increase tremendously. As a result, the types of fundraisers students enjoy also change. Great high school fundraising ideas engage participants, motivating them to sell.
When a large group of people, such as a high senior class, come together to have a class fundraiser, there are a number of criteria that must be met before choosing the right fundraiser for the group. You have to make sure that the product line you pick is broad enough to appeal to a wide Read More »
Maybe you’re in charge of a large school group trying to raise a lot of money, or maybe you’re just a small club who needs some extra cash for equipment. Either way, you’ve come here because you’re looking for school fundraiser programs, something that will help you reach all of your goals this year. Luckily, Read More »
If your school group is looking for a fun and easy way to make some extra money for expenses, equipment, or travel costs, a school magazine fundraiser is certainly an effective way to go. Even in this age of digital information, the popularity of magazines hasn’t diminished, and in fact, it’s difficult to think of Read More »
School fundraisers range from the very simple to the moderately complicated. If you have a small group, you have the additional concern of needing a school fundraiser with relatively high profits, and of course, you want to keep everything as simple as possible. With something like school fundraiser discount cards, you get the best of both worlds, Read More »
Sometimes the school just doesn’t have enough money in its annual budget to pay for upgrades like school gym equipment and new library books. You would be surprised at how quickly the school’s budget gets eaten up by things like general maintenance, that there just isn’t enough to cater for every school department’s needs. You Read More »
Sometimes it can a very stressful job to arrange successful school fundraisers, especially when you may be unclear about how to plan such an effort. You’ll need to go through budgeting issues, print out flyers and signs to put up around your school, get other teachers and students on board to rally together and promote Read More »
The idea of holding your first school’s fundraiser can be rather daunting. Whether you are a faculty member at an elementary school, middle school, or high school, it makes no difference in the fears and concerns you may have when planning out your fundraiser for the first time. But with some careful consideration of the Read More »
It’s no secret that kids love playing Rock Band, and a lot of them are really good at it! If they’re going to be playing those kinds of games anyway, then it makes sense to use that to your advantage when planning your school fundraiser. Holding a Rock Band fundraiser at your school can be Read More »
If this is your first time in an organizational position with school fundraising, then obviously one of your first tasks is to start looking for a school fundraising company and try to find out which ones can offer you exactly what you’re looking for both in product ranges and customer service. There are lots of Read More »
It’s likely that the reason you’re here is that you want to think of a great school fundraising idea, but you’re not entirely certain where to start. Maybe you’ve heard all sorts of advice and pointers from people who have organized school fundraisers in the past, and rather than clarifying things, you’re just more confused Read More »
Perhaps you already know that fundraising for schools is not that difficult, even though it involves some setup work and organizing. The bottom line is, people, love to help out anything involved with education, and when you add the charming personalities of kids into the equation, it’s not hard to see where the potential is Read More »
If you are organizing a fundraiser for a school group that is in desperate need of money, you might be disappointed to find that a lot of fundraisers expect you to buy products upfront. This can be stressful if you don’t have an existing budget to work from – the whole point of the school Read More »
When most people think about school fundraisers, they usually imagine a bake sale or selling chocolate in boxes to their friends and family. And there is a good reason for this. The truth is, the resources that are needed to pull off the best school fundraisers haven’t changed over the years. Something that isn’t broken Read More »
People think of school fundraisers as being there to help things like sports teams and cheerleaders, but the reality is that in these economic times, a school fundraiser can help any group that needs additional support beyond what the school’s funding can provide. Art departments, in particular, need things like supplies and equipment, and a Read More »
It’s one thing to be involved in a successful school fundraiser and feel the pride and excitement that go along with that. It’s an entirely different thing, however, to be organizing the fundraiser and has all the pressure on your shoulders to make it as successful as possible. A successful school fundraiser does take some Read More »
Many times school fundraisers are major projects, involving a large effort and huge amounts of products. There are a lot of things to worry about with school fundraisers like these – organizing, ordering, and distributing can all be huge operations, not to mention the hassles involved if anything goes wrong. Sometimes you don’t need to Read More »
When your school is in need of some extra funding to help in the upgrading of school equipment or books, you may find that holding a school fundraiser is the best way to go. The school’s budget probably doesn’t allow for hiring out huge events like carnivals and fairground rides, so you may need a Read More »
The ironic thing about many school fundraisers is, your school group or club needs to make money, but often the amount of money that you would need to invest in the fundraiser itself exceeds what your group has available. This can be frustrating, and the desire to find cheap school fundraisers can have you looking Read More »
The first step in private school fundraising is to choose a fundraiser. It sounds simple, but this is often the hardest part. You want to pick a fundraising program that complements both your group and those who will be participating as buyers. For instance, you may think that coffee is a ridiculous item for school-age Read More »
If your school group doesn’t really have enough funds on hand to pay upfront for a school fundraiser, then obviously you’ll be wanting to look at some free school fundraisers. The way these fundraisers work is that we send out product brochures to you free of charge, along with all the order forms you’ll need Read More »
Is your child’s school looking for a new catholic school fundraiser? A program that will not have the hassle others bring to fundraising? There is a new fundraiser available that successfully avoids all the pitfalls of other fundraising programs. Money savings cards are the newest fundraising program. A money savings card is exactly what it Read More »
With the economy, the way it is, many churches and Christian groups need to use fundraisers in order to pay for the things the community needs. Even things like Bibles and hymnals are not inexpensive to buy, and a Christian fundraiser is a fantastic way to bring in extra money for these things. It’s a Read More »
Your church is one of the most important places in your community. You attend services there, everyone gets together there, the youth group uses it as a meeting place, and any number of activities and club functions happen there. In fact, the church is such an important part of our lives that we want to do whatever we can to help out when the church is in need.
You’ve probably seen a lot of Christian fundraisers where the main goal is to raise a significant amount of money for the church. Church buildings are astronomically expensive, and an effort like that can span many months and become very complex. But sometimes you don’t need something that complicated – many Christian groups out there Read More »
It keeps coming around again and again… it’s time to get your Christian youth fundraising effort underway. Even if you’ve done this a million times before, there’s always something new to be learned, as some fundraisers change from year to year, while other perennial favorites stick around. No matter what you decide you want to Read More »
A school spirit fundraiser has a wonderful feature built right into it, in that you've got some of the most outgoing, enthusiastic, and, well, spirited kids on your sales team. They are natural salespeople, and they are one of the major keys to making the most of your school spirit fundraiser.
It can be very stressful to think about everything you have to do if this is your first time with the job of organizing a yearbook fundraiser. You may be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of fundraising ideas out there when all you really want is for someone to point you in the right direction with an easy yearbook fundraiser you can use to reach your monetary goals.
If your school is struggling to come up with the funds for supplies, new equipment, or perhaps a school trip, it’s time to start thinking about a Christian school fundraiser. Fundraisers can cover a variety of situations, and with the right amount of research and finding the perfect ideas, you can organize a Christian fundraiser Read More »
It is often said that the key to having a successful school fundraiser is a good organization, and that is certainly true. When you start out thinking about school fundraiser sales, the first step is to clearly identify your monetary goals, and figure out just what amount of school fundraiser sales will be necessary to Read More »
When the time of year comes around (as it always does) to start thinking of school fundraising ideas, clearly the thing you’re most concerned with is profit and how quickly you can reach the goal you have set for yourself. There are many paths to school fundraising, but if you get the right school fundraising Read More »
You are hosting a fundraising event for your school. Congratulations! Events like carnivals, walk-a-thons, and chili cook-offs not only have earning power but are great for getting the community involved with your school. Here we have additional ideas for your school fundraising event to make the most of your captive audience, who are ready, willing, Read More »
It’s no secret that when budgets get cut at educational institutions, usually it’s the arts that are the first to go. But parents and teachers know these programs are more than just extracurricular fun – they help children develop important skills, both practical and social, that facilitate them to become more well-adjusted and well-rounded people. Read More »
I would imagine that, if you really sat down and thought about it, you would be hard-pressed to find any youth group, of any kind, that does not participate in some kind of fundraising program. From school fundraisers to sports team fundraisers to church fundraisers, it seems like every kid is out trying to sell something. Read More »
Admittedly when you think of school fundraisers, visions of candy bars, cookie dough, or other such products come to mind. This can lead to worries about the hassle of having products to carry around everywhere. But it doesn’t have to be like that – there are various types of paper-based school fundraisers out there, that Read More »
If fall is the time that your school does most of its fundraising activities, it would be a very smart idea to consider a school calendar fundraiser. Calendars are very popular items anytime from about Halloween onward, and during the end of the Thanksgiving season, people are really starting to think not only about the Read More »
Today’s schools have a very comprehensive set of extra-curricular activities, and some schools have more than a hundred different types of sports, clubs, and other activities aimed at helping students to become more well-rounded individuals. However, the money is not always there in the budget to support these clubs, so this means at some point Read More »
If you are looking for an appropriate Christian school fundraiser, you have come to the right place. Christian schools have additional concerns over public schools because aside from all the regular goals of making money and supporting the school, you also want the kids to be involved in an activity that magnifies the glory of Read More »
If you have been involved with Christian fundraising efforts in the past, then you’re already familiar with the excitement and joy that goes along with being a part of such a rewarding venture. But when it’s your turn to do the organizing yourself, the tables can turn, and what was once thought of as something Read More »
When the kids head back to school in the fall, the realities of the school’s funding situation will hit home, and this is likely to affect your kids directly, whether they participate in sports, music, or other clubs or activities. The smart thing to do is to take some time during the last month of Read More »
Parents of young children learn about fundraising very quickly as their kids enter elementary school. It does not take long before your student comes home with fundraising information. What you do with that information is more important than you think. Unfortunately, many parents simply take the fundraising packet and toss it in the trash. Other Read More »
A school fundraiser is a normal part of the school year for kids in any grade. Elementary, middle, and high schools across the land rely on school fundraisers to get much-needed extra money to provide for things the school budget can’t handle. A school fundraiser can really help keep the school’s extra-curricular clubs and groups Read More »
When trying to organize fundraising for Christian groups, at some point you’ll need to know what sort of fundraisers you should be looking at. How do you know which is the right one for your group? There is no right-and-wrong absolute formula for selecting the right kind of fundraiser – all you need to do Read More »
“An hour of planning can save you 10 hours of doing.” Dwight D. Eisenhower. For most of us, planning a school fundraiser is an additional event in our already busy lives. Truly, a well-devised plan can make the most of your time when extra hours are in short supply, . First and foremost, start planning Read More »
Hosting a school fundraiser can be daunting work. It requires a lot of organization and time to pull off a truly successful event. Providing everything goes well, though, and you are able to reach your financial target, the payoff will be well worth your efforts. The first thing to consider about planning a school fundraiser Read More »
If the task of organizing the school fundraising effort this year has gone to you, then it’s your job to make sure that everyone is reasonably happy and that the fundraiser goes well. Sure, your number one priority is bringing in money for the school, but there’s more to it than that. You want people Read More »
If you are looking for some Christian fundraising ideas to help your church or other Christian groups, look no further. We have a variety of Christian fundraising ideas available, and you will be pleased to know that every one of them is appropriate for upholding the standards of your Christian faith. All you have to Read More »
To everything, there is a season including fundraiser! Check out the list below to find the best time for your next private school fundraising. Fall: During the fall there are lots of options. Any of the pre-sell fundraisers are available such as cookie dough, candles, flowers, Go Green, candy, or calendars. The important thing to Read More »
Is your child’s school looking for a new private school fundraiser? A program that will not have the hassle that others bring to fundraising? There is a new fundraiser available that successfully avoids all the pitfalls of other fundraising programs. Money savings cards are the newest fundraising program. A money savings card is exactly what Read More »
Getting an education from a private school comes with certain benefits. Children, in most cases, get more hands-on experience in the classroom, as well as closer attention from teachers. The mainstream fads and overall culture of the public school system are avoided, and there is a broad exposure to more educational activities. Unfortunately, there is Read More »
Choosing the right program for your private school fundraiser can sometimes be a bit of a challenge. There are so many great fundraisers how do you pick just one? The best way to decide which fundraiser is to look at the type of group you have, and go from there. Whole School: If the program Read More »
So you’ve decided that the best way to bring some extra funding to your school is by planning and overseeing a school fundraiser. That’s great. But how do you know which kind of fundraisers for schools will be the best choice to bring in all of your the money required to reach your financial goals? Read More »
Would you throw a party without inviting people to your shindig? Fundraising is the same way. You are hosting an event, and people will want to participate. Promoting a school fundraiser is all about letting folks know about it and welcoming them in! A simple and effective way to promote your school fundraiser is through Read More »
Do you think psychology and school fundraisers are an unlikely pair? That’s understandable, especially if this is your first involvement with a school fundraiser. We like to talk about the 3 “P”s of fundraising: Profit, Product Selection, and Personal Attention. But there is an important 4th: Psychology. Having the right mindset, from the outset, can Read More »
If you want to be as successful as possible you should publicize your school fundraiser using all the resources available to you. First, contact your local newspapers and radio stations. You would be surprised at how often they will consider doing public service, feel-good kind of stories. They might actually be grateful if you have Read More »
We help more schools throughout the country with school fundraising ideas. We would like to help your group as well. We offer all of the most proven fundraising ideas like cookie dough fundraisers, candy fundraisers and more. But more importantly is the time and care we offer each school that comes to us. Here are Read More »
High School marks a transition in a lot of things for students. They are obviously growing older and discovering who they are and what things interest them. There is a big increase in autonomy and personal responsibility. There is also a big transition in the types of fundraisers that the students do. Having moved away Read More »
If you’re looking for a rewarding experience, you can’t go wrong with Christian fundraising. It’s a great way to get out into the community that the church serves, bond with the other members of your congregation, and make money for the church while you’re at it. Christian fundraising is one of the best ways to Read More »
There are no groups more likely to hold an annual fundraiser than a school. In fact, more often than not schools try to hold the same fundraiser at the same time of year every single year. There is a lot to be said for the school annual fundraisers. There are a few reasons schools do Read More »
A school fundraiser is just a fact of life. No matter whether you are dealing with an elementary school, middle school, or high school, at some point one of the groups in your school (or indeed the entire school itself) is going to require a way to get the money that goes beyond what the Read More »
Setting your school fundraising deadline is something you should think about before starting your fundraiser. We are referring to determining the last day for accepting orders and sticking it to it. There are many reasons people do not enforce their school fundraising deadlines. The most obvious is that they want their fundraiser to raise as Read More »
School fundraising does not have to be hard. There are several simple fundraisers that a school group can do - both large and small groups that will benefit your budget. Here are some suggestions I thought might be helpful.
School magazine fundraisers are a great all-round idea for any school group that needs extra money, from the smallest clubs right on up to the entire student body. If you’re looking for a simple idea that doesn’t take a lot of explanation, magazines are perfect. If you’re looking to avoid the hassle of lots of products coming Read More »
Whether you are supporting a school sports team, arts-related club, or any other kind of extracurricular group, at some point it is likely you will be asked to organize a school fundraiser. Fundraisers are a fact of life for most clubs and groups these days, and with the costs of operating going up and funding Read More »
It is the end of your senior year in high school, and you are about to leave all of your friends, family, and memories behind. Whether you are going to a faraway college, the military, or are starting a new job, you want to end your high school career with a big bang. That is Read More »
Fundraising should be fun, right? Well, why is it that people would rather have teeth pulled than participate in another fundraiser? What the world needs are more silly fundraisers to make fundraising fun again. So how do you hold silly fundraisers? The best silly fundraiser we can think of is an amateur comedy night at Read More »
We would like to share some of our basic fundraising tips. You might want to consider these tips before starting your next fundraiser. How Long to Hold a Fundraiser? People ask us all the time, how long they should hold their fundraising programs. Our answer for all fundraisers is simply; two weeks! Here is why we Read More »
If you have been searching for simple school fundraisers, you’ve probably found a lot of stuff that is exactly the opposite. If you don’t want to deal with software, catalogs or apps, here are our favorite, straightforward, easy money makers. For a simple school fundraiser that will wow everyone, we suggest a highly effective card-based Read More »
Holding school fundraising events is a great way to get the students involved in a good cause that will truly benefit your school by bringing in some extra money. You could decide to hold a fundraising event once a year, or even once every semester. There really is no limit, as long as you plan Read More »
Christian school fundraising is probably nothing new to you if you grew up in a Christian school yourself. Fundraisers have been around for decades to help schools raise money for things like supplies, school trips, or even newer facilities like buildings. A Christian school has a lot of responsibilities to its student body, and of Read More »
Are you worried or anxious because you are in charge of fundraising for your school this year, but don’t really know how to go about it? You can stop worrying! The good news is that it is possible to have stress-free fundraising for schools. Fundraising with ease is a matter of having decent organizational skills Read More »
You have probably been involved with school fundraising efforts in the past, probably more than once if your kids are out of elementary school. But if you are now trying to organize fundraising for school trips, you might find that the way you go about setting things up is a little bit different. Whereas most Read More »
The senior class fundraiser may be one of the last fundraisers that these students do in high school, if not the absolute last. You want them to do well with their fundraiser because you want them to have everything they need for their final year at school.
School clubs have a special place in the education of children. Extracurricular activities are where kids learn a lot about their social skills, confidence, and self-esteem. Clubs also help them become more well-rounded people. School clubs are important to the experiences of school kids, but with funding in its current dismal state, a lot of Read More »
In your quest to keep your school fundraiser as straightforward as possible, you may have thought that the best idea would be to keep it simple and do a direct sale fundraiser. But you could be cheating your group out of the opportunity to go bigger and make even more money by participating in a Read More »
It cost a lot of money to participate in sports these days. Whether you play football, baseball, soccer, basketball or any other sport, you need money for uniforms, equipment, travel, and other expenses. Easy Fundraising Ideas has fundraisers perfect for sports groups of all types and sizes. Please click here to request a free fundraising Read More »
A school trip at the end of the year can be one of the things the kids look forward to the most. If your group or class is planning a big school trip, one of the obvious issues is how the trip will be paid for. Sure, you could ask that each of the parents Read More »
To everything, there is a season including fundraising! Check out the list below to find the best time for your next catholic school fundraiser. Fall: During the fall there are quite a few options. Any of the pre-sell fundraisers are available such as cookie dough, candles, flowers, Go Green, candy, or calendars. The important thing Read More »
When you start to organize private school fundraising, there are many challenges ahead of you, but the rewards are just as great as the difficulties. As head of the private school fundraising effort, it is your job to work around all the complexities of the project, but don’t fret – it’s not as overwhelming as Read More »
If all your previous experiences with school fundraisers have only been in a sales role, then you may not fully appreciate yet the complex challenges of working on school fundraisers from the organizational side. Organizing a school fundraiser is an entirely different thing from just participating in one, and many first-time organizers underestimate the stress Read More »
Love it or loathe it, there’s no denying that one of the best and most popular school fundraisers out there is candy. Whether it’s to your taste or not, school fundraiser candy helps raise huge amounts of money for schools across the country every single year and has been successful in doing so for decades. It is one Read More »
Your Christian organization may be starting the best fundraising program the world has ever seen. You may be raising money for the most worthy cause on earth. But if nobody participates, the fundraiser is a failure. You are left asking yourself where you went wrong; reevaluating your motives and questioning your judgment. The answer? you probably did not advertise.
Having a Christian fundraiser is useless if nobody knows that you are doing one. What do you mean? Let me explain. Your Christian organization may be starting the best fundraising program the world has ever seen. You may be raising money for the most worthy cause on earth. But if nobody participates, the fundraiser is Read More »
Christian fundraising is some of the most rewarding fundraisings out there. Not only are you helping out your church, Christian fundraising gives you a fantastic opportunity to bond not only with other members of your faith but also with the community at large. What better way to spread His message than with a Christian fundraiser Read More »
A lot of times school-wide fundraisers can be huge affairs, where there’s a lot of money to be raised and a lot of people trying to raise it. But what if you have a more moderate goal and a smaller group of people? Fundraisers for school trips, for example, can involve a whole different set Read More »
Long-time organizers of school fundraisers are very familiar with the old standbys. In fact, you yourself have probably had experiences, even from back when you were in school, of the classic school fundraisers like chocolate bars. Given how successful those chocolate bar fundraisers were, it probably won’t surprise you to hear that even now, chocolate Read More »
Themed ideas for school fundraising are a fantastic way of rallying interest in your school event. Themed occasions can increase enthusiasm with students, teachers, parents, and the community. The following themed ideas for school fundraisers should help you to do just that. Why not hold a school fundraiser based on a seasonal holiday? Christmas, Halloween, Read More »
It doesn’t matter if you are in charge of a small fundraising team and trying to raise a moderate amount of money for lung cancer research, or if you’re part of a larger group aiming for a higher amount, you are going to need some good ideas for lung cancer fundraisers in order to get Read More »
It doesn’t matter if you are in charge of a small group and trying to raise a moderate amount of money, or organizing a larger group to help them raise a more significant amount, you are going to need some good ideas for school fundraisers in order to get your effort off the ground. You’ve Read More »
You may be here because this is your first time in a position of responsibility with fundraisers for schools, and if that’s the case then you’re probably wondering what sort of fundraisers you should be looking at. Many of your options will depend on how large a group you are working with (i.e. the size Read More »
Private school fundraising is a great way to get the students at your school involved in a good cause, and at the same time raise money which can go toward upgrades for the school or could simply go as a donation to a local charity. Getting the students involved in private school fundraising will give Read More »
One way to maximize the benefit that you see from your school fundraiser is to run more than one fundraiser at the same time. Although this can complicate things on the organizational side, many groups find that the additional profits they see from having entire school fundraiser themes are well worth the small amount of Read More »
Let’s face it, there is really no end of school fundraisers out there. You can do anything from chocolate to flower bulbs to catalogs. But if you’re looking for one of the most versatile school fundraisers, magazines can often be the best choice to cover all your bases. There are magazines to cater to every Read More »
It’s no secret that kids love candy. Many adults do, too, especially when you can offer up brand names like Hershey’s chocolate that everyone can appreciate. But if you are thinking about using candy as an in-school fundraiser, there are some things you’ll need to consider first in terms of practical organization and logistics. Obviously Read More »
If it is your job to organize this year’s school fundraising activity, making the most profit from your fundraiser is obviously your number one concern. You also want everyone to be happy with the fundraiser and for people to have fun with it. So how do you go about choosing a school fundraising activity that Read More »
School fundraising events are a great way to get people all in one place and motivated about the fundraising effort. There are of course many events that you can schedule as school fundraising events, but one that is popular and has multiple benefits is the walk-a-thon school fundraising event. A walk-a-thon is not only a Read More »
Candles are some of the most popular school fundraisers. When was the last time you were in a home that didn’t have a single candle? People love the light and scents that candles provide in their homes or offices, and a candle school fundraiser can be a great way to make a significant amount of money for your Read More »
If you are in the middle of trying to organize your school fundraiser, you’ve probably gotten to the point where your choices are overwhelming. What you need is an amazing fundraising idea. No doubt the idea of a cookie dough school fundraiser will have popped up as one of the possibilities. It actually an easy and Read More »
When you are looking for the best fundraiser for your group, you need to define a couple of criteria that will greatly help you narrow down the field. First, do you want to use a brochure fundraiser that is typically free to start, or do you want to do a direct-sale where you buy inventory before the sale begins?
If you’re beginning to think about ideas for Christian school fundraisers and are just starting the planning stages, a lot of unnecessary effort can be spent agonizing over what type of fundraiser to choose. You may be wondering which Christian school fundraisers work the best, but truly it all depends on an what you want Read More »
School spirit fundraisers, however, are a great way to help you reach your financial goals, while also spreading a positive message to all the students and teachers that are taking part. School spirit fundraisers encourage everyone involved to unite in supporting the school and remind everyone why the school is so important.
Over the past few years, schools and districts have been placing more and more restrictions on catholic school fundraisers. Unfortunately with so many limitations, most schools are giving up on the opportunity to raise money effectively. But all is not lost. There are still lots of programs that will benefit schools with even the strictest Read More »
Sometimes, if you only need a moderate amount of money, simple fundraisers like chocolate are enough for your church or Christian group to make the cash it needs. But if you are trying to raise money for something like building refurbishment, or perhaps a new building altogether, then you will need to find a way to come up with a significant amount of cash.
If you are facing up to a large church fundraising effort, chances are you want to attack the issue from all sides. If you need a significant amount of money, say for a new building or refurbishment of a current one, then obviously it won’t be enough just to sell a few chocolate bars and Read More »
If you want to make a lot of money for your school all in one day, school fundraiser events are the way to go. A school fundraiser event is a great opportunity to get all your supporters in one place at one time, and then, of course, you can benefit from their enthusiasm and generosity Read More »
Kids like to get involved in sports, which is fantastic. The more they can get out and active, the better, and sports teach them important things like teamwork and the value of friendly competition. But sports can be expensive so it is important to have some great fundraising ideas in your back pocket.